Palm Sunday

 A Lenten Renewal:
Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives
By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC
My Dear Good People,
There is little to be said after praying the Liturgy for Palm Sunday Mass this weekend. The Celebration begins with Hallelujah to the Son of David and ends with Crucify him, crucify him! Such is our fallen nature that we find ourselves giving ourselves to Him without reserve one moment and falling into sin the next.
And He loves us still.
As we enter this Holiest of Weeks may God grant us a heart to love Him in return, the desire to leave behind our sinful ways, the courage to defend God and our faith at whatever price, healing in our broken places, and compassion for our brothers and sisters tangled in the web of delusion and death.
Above all, let us seek to walk the Way of the Cross with Mary as she accompanies Jesus to the summit of Calvary. May we die with Him there and rise to new life with Him on Easter.
God bless you, and may our hearts be full of purity and longing this Holy Week for all that is good and true and beautiful, all that is Jesus.
In the Love of our Saving God,
Mother Marie Julie
“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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