News & Reflections
Please join us in prayer...
Sister Gabriela, Vocation Director, and Sister Faustina went on a two-week vocations trip to Illinois and Wisconsin!
Thank you for all of your prayers. It was a blessed trip. May the hearts of these young women be open to the Holy Spirit. God bless you!
Please continue to pray for Sister Marie Celeste, SCMC
First Profession of Vows
Feast of the Baptism
Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 29; Acts 10:34-38; Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 A gentleman held the door for a Sister as she was leaving her physical therapy appointment. She thanked him with a smiling comment, “Chivalry is not dead,” and he responded, “ I won’t let it die with me.” They
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt. 2:1-12 “They were overjoyed at seeing the star… (Matt, Ch. 2)” Today’s readings are all about the manifestation of the Lord to us, His beloved children, and what that means for us. Our Infant King has been pleased to show
Feast of the Holy Family, 2024
Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14; Psalm 128; Colossians 3:12-21; Luke 2 41-52 When he prays, he is heard The family into which each of us is born is not of our making, but of God’s. What we have inherited and what we experience in our families may become key ingredients
Fourth Sunday of Advent, 2024
Micah 5:1-4a, Psalm 80, Hebrews 10: 5-10, Luke 1:39-45 “O little town of Bethlehem…” Christmas is almost here. The event of Christmas seems to me to be one of the sweetest mysteries of God’s divine Providence. It is also a mystery rich in contrasts. The silent divine Word
Gaudete Sunday! – Rejoice!
Zephaniah 3:14-18a, Psalm [Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6], Philippians 4:4-7, Luke 3:10-18 He has freed you. + Thank Him. If you have ever thought that God has let you down, or that what you are hoping for is too big to obtain, Gaudete Sunday is for you. The
Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Advent
Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary (transferred to Monday, December 9) Baruch 5:1-9, Psalm 126, Philippians 1:4-6,8-11, Luke 3:1-6 The black asphalt pavement slopes down to the west in one of our school’s outdoor play yards, and on the other side of the drainage, it begins to slope
Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent, 2024
Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-9,10,14; 1 Thes 3:12-4:2; Be vigilant at all times… … increase and abound in love… In the rich readings of this first Liturgy of Advent, the Church provides much food for thought as we begin our new Church Year. We already know by faith that the
Reflection for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024
2024 Daniel 12:1-3, Psalm 16, Hebrews 10:11-14, 18, Mark 13:24-32 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. My body, too, abides in confidence. Some darker clouds of Scripture move into our liturgies towards the end of the Church year. That is a “sign
Reflection for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
1 Kings 17:1-16, Psalm 146, Hebrews 9:24-28, Mark 12:38-44 Have you ever felt that God rescued you? When I was leaving Mass one weekend, I was heading down concrete stairs and my feet just slipped off the step I was on. Immediately afterward I was simply somehow pushed back
Reflection for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024
Deuteronomy 6:2-6, Psalm 18, Hebrews 7:23-28, Mark 12:28b-34 “Take to heart these words…” When November spreads out its cool (chilly) gray veil, it alerts us to the coming winter. How appropriate that this is the month in which we pray for our loved ones who have departed “across
Reflection for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024
Isaiah 53:10-11, Hebrews 4:14-16, Mark 10:35-45 Today’s message is of hope, hope in Jesus, the Son of God. We will focus on Hebrews, looking at some of the verses closely. “Brothers and sisters…we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens.” He has gone ahead of
Reflection for the 28th Week of Ordinary Time, 2024
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Sell what you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. How do Wisdom and riches and purity relate? This Sunday’s readings give us a chance to see how,
Reflection for the 26th Week of Ordinary Time
Numbers 11:25-29, James 5:1-6, Mark 9:38-43,45, 47-48 Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! A cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ… A prevalent theme of today’s readings is possessions. All that you and I possess, inside us and in our circumstances,
Reflection for the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
(Wisdom 2:12, 17-20, James 3:16-4:3, Mark 9:30-37) What were you arguing about on the way…? Whoever receives one child…. At our parish church this past Sunday, a bright, little six-year-old boy was lifted up by his father to the baptismal font, and was washed clean in the saving flow gained
Reflection for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024
(Isaiah 50:4c-9, James 2:14-18, Mark 8:27-35) The Lord God is my help. Will I take up my cross and follow him? Would you agree, my friends, that we have heard some beautiful but tough scriptural readings in today’s liturgy? Today’s theme word can be sustain, which leads us to
Reflection for the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
September 8, 2024 Do you hear what I hear? Be strong; fear not! The gift of summer days oceanside or poolside is much more enjoyable and safe because of our sense of hearing. The rhythmic rush of the surf or the warning cry of the lifeguard enrich the whole
Reflection for the Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024
Sunday, September 1, 2024 To Do or Not to Do? Isn’t it remarkable that we adults, as well as children, can hear an instruction or rule, remember it, and later, just not follow it? Home from college one fine spring day, my cheerful younger brother was driving me on
Reflection for the Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024
Reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Gospel according to John: 6:60-69) Receiving Holy Communion regularly and worthily gives us eternal life. In the sixth Chapter of John’s Gospel we hear Jesus’ discourse on receiving the Bread of Life. He tells his disciple and followers that He is
Reflection for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s reading is a continuation of Jesus’ Eucharistic sermon recorded in John’s Gospel, chapter 6. We have been hearing it for several weeks, and, in some ways, it seems that we have been hearing the same words over and over. That would be unusual for the carefully crafted calendar of Gospel readings
Reflection for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024
Do you ever feel ‘tired of it all’? Do you ever think, ‘I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired’? Do you come across this phrase, ‘There is not one who cares for my soul,’ and look up and say, ‘Yes, that’s me!’? I daresay many who are reading
Graces and Gratitude in the Presence of the King: Part 6
Words fail to describe the depth of my experience at the Eucharistic Congress. With all that happened, each moment was an encounter with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. The word that most often came to me throughout the days at the Congress was “crucifixion”. Whenever we are at Mass, we
Graces and Gratitude in the Presence of the King: Part 5
My Experience: A personal reflection on the Eucharistic Congress Written by: A Sister of Charity (SCMC). During our whole life of faith, some of the beautiful, inspiring examples that we experience on the outside of our little selves, can prompt a strong and stirring internal response. All is designed
Graces and Gratitude in the Presence of the King: Part 4
“Into Gethsemane” (Friday, July 19, 2024) 10th National Eucharistic Congress This Friday, a traditional day of Penance and remembrance of Jesus’ Passion, was filled with joy and hope, inspired by the generosity of our Eucharistic Lord, ever present with us to lighten, enlighten, to heal and strengthen each of us
Reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024
Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Here in the West we are preoccupied with food. That’s strange, since in most of the world, so many people go to bed hungry. Now THAT would preoccupy me, going to bed hungry. It seems that food shouldn’t be a big concern
Graces and Gratitude in the Presence of the King: Part 3
A Reflection on Day 2 of the 10 National Eucharistic Congress: “The graces are being poured down like rivers of liquid sunlight.” – A Sister of Charity (SCMC) We began the day with praying morning prayer, which is normal for us-but being joined by at least a hundred more voices
Graces and Gratitude in the Presence of the King: Part 2
Approaching the time of the Eucharistic Congress I was anxious and in a sense fearful because of the vacuum I was experiencing in my life, in my spiritual journey, and my relationship with God. I was devoid of feeling but always aware of the need to perform my religious duties,
Graces and Gratitude in the Presence of the King: Part 1
As part of our ongoing spiritual growth and commitment to our faith, we were blessed to attend the 10th National Eucharistic Congress! This pilgrimage offered us an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the rich traditions and teachings of the Church. During this time, we joined with fellow believers from all
Embrace the Sacred Practice of Eucharistic Adoration
What is this all about? It is about the love and devotion you have for Christ in the Eucharist. The Sisters of Charity invite you to join us as we delve into the profound depths of Eucharistic Adoration, sharing with you our treasured insights and experiences with this sacred practice.
Gratitude and Reflection
Today, we pause to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who support the Sisters of Charity in our mission of service and love. Your kindness, generosity, and prayers sustain us and enable us to continue our work of spreading the light of Christ in the
Embracing the gift of Eucharistic Miracles
As Sisters of Charity, we are blessed to always live in a house where Christ is present in the Eucharist, within the Tabernacle in our Chapel. It is a privilege we treasure. For thousands of years, there have been miraculous occurrences centered around Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist. These
Embracing the Eucharistic Mission
The Eucharistic Congress is a time of renewal and celebration, bringing together the faithful to honor and worship the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. It is a powerful reminder of the transformative grace that flows from the altar into our hearts and lives, expressed through our daily acts
Reflecting on the Fruits of Eucharistic Devotion
As we eagerly anticipate the start of the Eucharistic Congress tomorrow, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound impact of Eucharistic devotion on the Church and society. The practice of Eucharistic devotion, rooted in our deep love and reverence for the Blessed Sacrament, has borne abundant fruits
Deepening Your Understanding of the Eucharist
As we anticipate the upcoming Eucharistic Congress, we, Sisters of Charity, wanted to share a few ways to help you deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Sacred Eucharist: Attend Mass Regularly: Make a commitment to attend Mass regularly, immersing yourself in the rich liturgical celebrations that bring the Eucharist
Reflection for the Fifteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Have you ever flown? Whenever there’s a need for me to fly, I begin packing two days before take-off. I find the smallest bag available so it fits under the seat. I use the most discreet carry-on bag for essentials–prayer book, Bible, phone charger, toothbrush. Even with my beloved vow
Reflection for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024
When Jesus returned to His hometown after a rather lengthy absence, His own people were suspicious of Him. They were so familiar with Him, and expected certain things of Him, but definitely not what they were now seeing. So, they took offense at Him. Here’s what they thought about Jesus:
Reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024
Reflection for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 30, 2024 Every culture has unwritten rules: expectations that aren’t official, but it would be unacceptable to act in certain ways. For example: in America, most of us wouldn’t think of ringing the doorbell of a new coworker’s home on
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024
Dear Friends, Respect for God who can calm any storm. Trust in His Love for me (and for you.) Gratitude for His Presence in our lives; one that will never cease to be. These are the responses invoked by our readings today. Yet, they are just the beginning. Knowing God
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024
Today on this beautiful Father’s Day, the Sisters of Charity pray fervently for fathers everywhere. We offer up prayers for all men, fathers in so many different ways, who are images of the Loving Eternal Father of us all. May you be blessed for the love you have given and
“Jesus came home…”
Reflection for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024 In the Gospel today (Mark 3:20-35), “Jesus came home with his disciples [and] the crowd gathered…” Further in the reading, Jesus is told that his mother, brothers and sisters are outside, “And looking around at those seated in the circle he
Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus, Corpus Christi 2024
Reflection for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus, Corpus Christi, 2024 This week, in preparation for writing this reflection for the Feast of Corpus Christi, I opened the Gospel for today looking for ‘something new,’ some words that had not struck me before. But I was immediately
Trinity Sunday
On this beautiful Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, I offer you this prayer inspired by a young Carmelite Sister who died at the age of 26, after having lived her life in union with the HolyTrinity. O most Holy Trinity, tender Father, beloved Jesus, precious Holy Spirit, You
Pentecost 2024
Much has been written about ‘upward mobility.’ As a matter of fact, this is often the goal of college graduates, and of people in the corporate and not-so-corporate world. It refers to a commitment to working toward moving upward in life: a better job, a better name, an advanced educational
Mother’s Day 2024
Blessed Mother’s Day to all Mothers reading this–Mothers of children in your family, and Mothers of souls through spiritual Motherhood. If I were ever asked to select a Gospel reading for a Mother’s Day Mass, I would choose St. Luke’s story (2:41-51) of the time when Jesus separated himself from
Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter
This weekend the first reading at Holy Mass is from the Acts of the Apostles (9:26-31) which we’ve been reading/hearing since Easter. We will continue having many readings from the Acts for the next few weeks because it gives us the history of the earliest days of the Church after
Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, 2024
Vocation Sunday I know a lot about sheep, having grown up with one. All of us Saegaert kids thought we were experts on sheep because we read every encyclopedia entry we could find so we knew what to expect, how to handle a lamb crisis and what Humphrey liked to
Reflection for the Third Week of Easter
Living with us this year at our Motherhouse is a Sister from Mainland China. In our frequent conversations about holy things, she often says, “God has been so good to me that I can’t afford to offend Him.” I am always deeply moved by such a succinct, heartfelt description of
Divine Mercy Sunday, 2024
My Dear Good People, On this Octave Day of Easter we celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy. It comes from a revelation received by a Polish nun in 1931 in which Jesus appeared to her and spoke of His Heart as an ‘Abyss of Mercy” for all who come to
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 9
Intention of the day: Today bring to Me souls who have become lukewarm, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 8
Intention of the day: Today bring to Me the souls who are detained in purgatory, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. Let the torrents of My Blood cool down their scorching flames. All these souls are greatly loved by Me. They are making retribution to My justice.
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 7
Intention of the day: Today bring to Me the souls who especially venerate and glorify My mercy, and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 6
Intention of the day: Today bring to Me the meek and humble souls and the souls of little children,and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 5
Intention of the day: Today bring to Me the souls of those who have separated themselves from My Church, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. During My bitter Passion they tore at My Body and Heart, that is, My Church. As they return to unity with the
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 4
Intention of the day: Today bring to Me those who do not believe in God and those who do not yet know Me. I was thinking also of them during My bitter Passion, and their future zeal comforted My Heart. Immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. (Diary 1216)
Easter Sunday, 2024
Reflection for Easter Sunday The Lord is risen. Alleluia! He is indeed risen. Alleluia! After forty long days of Lent, we come to the glorious Feast of Easter. As I write this on Holy Saturday, I am looking forward to tonight’s Easter Vigil Liturgy when we will light the Easter
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 3
Intention of the day: Today Bring to Me all devout and faithful souls, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. The souls brought Me consolation on the Way of the Cross. They were that drop of consolation in the midst of an ocean of bitterness. (Diary 1214) Prayer
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 2
Intention of the day: Today bring to Me the souls of priests and religious,and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave Me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them, as through channels, My mercy flows out upon mankind. (Diary 1212) Prayer for the day: Most
Divine Mercy Novena: Day 1
Intention of the day: Today, bring to Me all mankind, especially all sinners, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. In this way you will console Me in the bitter grief into which the loss of souls plunges Me. (Diary 1210) Prayer for the day: Most Merciful Jesus,
Reflection for Holy Week, 2024
Palm Sunday (now called Passion Sunday because we read the Passion for the first time this Lent) has come to meet us in a place full of confusion. We begin Holy Week listening to the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem to fevered, glorious shouts of praise and crowds waving palm
Reflection for Monday of the Fifth Week in Lent
Today I would like to contemplate the Gospel for tomorrow, March 18, because it is too beautiful to skip over. This is the Gospel of the woman caught in the act of adultery. How embarrassing! We know nothing more than that about her from the Gospel of John, 8:1-11. We
Reflection on the 4th Sunday in Lent
Reflecting on John 3:14-21 Today there are two choices for the Sunday readings at Mass. My Sisters and I have been reflecting on the first choice of Gospel, the story of Nicodemus coming to Jesus under cover of darkness, not to trick Him, as some would, but because he was
Reflection for the 3rd Sunday in Lent
The Gospel for the third week of Lent gives us a glimpse into a side of Jesus that we don’t see often in the Gospels. The Jesus we know and recognize is peaceful and compassionate. But not in this Gospel, for sure. He comes into the temple –the beautiful temple
Reflection for the 2nd Sunday in Lent, 2024
Pope Francis often talks about Passion. Here I’m not referring to the Passion as the suffering and death of Jesus, but rather the word meaning great ardor or conviction, usually associated with love. One wonders what it would be like to live without a passion. What if there were nothing
Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent, 2024
Today’s Gospel (Mark 1:12-15) takes us, at the beginning of Lent, right to the edge of the desert. The Spirit drove Jesus into the desert…where He was tempted by the devil. He was with the wild beasts…. No preamble, no hint of what was to come. Just, the Spirit drove
Reflection for the 6th Week of Ordinary Time, 2024
Have you ever felt that it would be better if Advent were six weeks long and Lent only lasted four? There is something cozy and endearing about Advent, while Lent seems to go on and on as we struggle to keep our resolutions to give Jesus a gift of something
Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024
The Gospel reading for this Sunday, September 4, Mark 1:29-39, has three remarkable details for us to ponder. I will mention all three and comment on one. First, the disciples have returned from their evangelization tour and they are spent. Jesus says in effect, let’s go away by ourselves
The Year of Prayer-Reflection on the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Rather than reflect on the Gospel for this weekend, I would like to consider the announcement that came this week from Rome to the Church in the entire world. Our Holy Father Pope Francis has named this year, 2024, the Year of Prayer in preparation for the Jubilee Year, 2025.
Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2024
Today’s Gospel, taken from Mark 4:14-20, tells in stunning detail of the call of Peter and Andrew, then John and James by the shore of Galilee. They are minding their own business, literally, two of them mending their nets while the other brothers are fishing. Jesus walks up to Peter
Reflection for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s second reading from the first letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, 6:19, we hear this: Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased, and at a price. It’s a verse
Epiphany 2024
Reflection for the Feast of the Epiphany, 2024 Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, which means the manifestation, or the revealing. We consider the Wise Men, the Magi, who came from the East to worship the newborn King of the Jews. We recognize that although Jesus had
Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent
If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb. Do you remember that line from the beautiful song, In the Bleak Midwinter? It’s a sweet piece about bringing whatever you have to offer to the tiny feet of the newborn Jesus, even if it’s only a little drum
Gaudete Sunday 2023
On this Third Sunday of Advent, we read about the wonderful things that will happen when the Messiah comes. This most hopeful reading comes from the Prophet Isaiah (61: 1-2a, 10-11), who speaks the Word of God to the people who await the coming of the Promised One! We hear
Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent 2023
December 10, 2023 My Dear Good People, This weekend in our churches we light the second of four candles in the Advent Wreath. Perhaps you have a wreath of your own in your home with a candle, or two or three or four, depending on the week, lit each day during
First Sunday of Advent, 2023
Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent, 2023 Jesus, our coming God, as we enter this season of Advent, pour out Your love on our brothers and sisters in need. To the lonely in this holy season, grant a spirit of comfort. To the grieving who will be without a
Reflection for the Feast of Christ the King, 2023
This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. Our minds may be full of images of King Charles III and of Princes and Princesses. In the last few years we have seen more, heard more, read more about the Royal Family than we have in decades. I suspect
Reflection on the Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Dear Friends of the Sisters of Charity, If you are reading this, it’s because you have been a faithful friend of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church for some time now. As we approach Thanksgiving Day, we want to express our profound gratitude to you
Reflection for the Thirty-second Week of Ordinary Time
Reflection for the Thirty-Second Week of Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel Jesus tells the now well-known story of the ten bridesmaids. They were waiting for the bridegroom to come to the wedding and he was late in coming (!), so they began to nod and fall asleep. He finally gets
Reflection for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
A few years ago, when we were renovating our main Chapel at the Motherhouse, we planned to set up a temporary chapel large enough to seat our community of 30+ Sisters for daily Mass and prayer. Once we selected a suitable room, we moved in a temporary altar, a tabernacle,
Reflection for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reflection for the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time Remember when you studied Mythology in high school? The stories of the gods were fascinating. They had many things in common, and some had very specific characteristics. It must have been difficult for the ancient Greeks and Romans to keep
Reflection for the Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time
As we listen to Jesus speaking to his questioners about their responsibility to an occupying government, we can hear one of two emphases. Jesus says, ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.’ We might find ourselves gritting our teeth thinking of the ways the government
26th Sunday of Ordinary Time and Saint Therese of Lisieux
Besides being the Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, today is the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. When I was confirmed at the age of ten, St. Therese was the favored confirmation name among the girls in my large class. The wonderful Sisters of Mercy taught us to love this
Reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
I don’t think God would make a good business man. Then again, He isn’t in the business of business. His business is in love and mercy. And He is so good at that. If I were hired for 8 hours of work and was offered a certain amount, then
Reflection for the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Today should be called Forgiveness Sunday. The prayers and readings throughout the Mass are about asking, receiving and granting forgiveness, and they leave us asking ourselves questions that have plagued the Dalai Lama, court magistrates, poets, philosophers, Popes, educators, parents, friends, enemies and the wounded since the murder of Abel
Reflection for the Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time
The Response after today’s first reading is one we hear often. It’s a verse from Psalm 95: “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we could hear, today, the Voice of God? Of course we wouldn’t harden our hearts.
Reflection for the Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time
In this Sunday’s Scripture passages, there are two verses that could easily be missed. In the second reading, from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans 12:1-2, we read St. Paul’s impassioned plea to his community in Rome: I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of
Reflection for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel, there is an interesting story. It’s not a parable, so it’s somehow more meaningful as it shows a relationship between Jesus and Peter that speaks to our own hearts. Here, Jesus invites Peter to an act of incredible faith, and when the apostle fails, Jesus responds
Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s first reading from the First Book of Kings (3:5,7-12) Solomon, the son of King David, is in conversation with God. He has just been crowned King, and God asks him what he would like from God as he begins his reign. Solomon first describes his sense of inadequacy
Reflection for the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Matt 13: 24-43 In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus speaks again about seeds. Today’s parable is different, though. He tells us that even when the farmer sows good seed in good ground, it’s still possible that treacherous weeds may be found in the soil and can threaten the harvest the
Reflection for the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Matthew 13: 1-23 How appropriate that today’s readings for Mass are about seeds and harvest. The majority of us probably buy our food from the supermarket. But how can we not bear in mind, these muggy, steamy days of July, our sisters and brothers laboring in fields under the blazing
Reflection for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 11:25-30 Have you thought much about how you came to be a believer in the Word of God–that is in Jesus the Word of God and in the Scriptures as His written word? Whether you grew up in a Catholic family or became a believer later in life, something,
Reflection for the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time
MT 10:37-42 In today’s Gospel, Jesus makes no bones about it: to follow Him is to live your life in a way that is a sign of contradiction to the world. Love God more than you love your family. If you don’t take up your cross and follow Him [while
Reflection for the 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
A phone chimes, a car horn honks, countless one-sided conversations being “shared” by anyone close enough to hear. Radio advertisements, TV commercials, billboards, window advertisements each telling you what you need. Newspapers, magazines, social media, evening news broadcasts layering their own version of truth with the underlying conviction that they
Father’s Day 2023
No matter what your relationship with your father might have been (or perhaps you never knew your father), this day will bring certain emotions to your heart. You may feel you had/have a father who was definitely a gift from God to you. You may feel that your dad did
Corpus Christi, 2023
My Dear Good People, This weekend we celebrate the beautiful Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also called Corpus Christi. In the olden days in this village where I now live, and in countless others throughout our nation, on this day every Catholic family would decorate
Blessed Feast of the Holy Trinity!
Reflection for the Feast of the Holy Trinity, 2023 There are few mysteries in our faith that are as difficult to comprehend as the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. We have nothing in our experience with which to compare it, no frame of reference to explain how there is One
Reflection for the Feast of Pentecost, 2023
Today is the Feast of Pentecost, the Feast of the Holy Spirit of God who comes to us silently and brings us the desire to think of God, to immerse ourselves in Him and to love Him in the moment. Cardinal Robert Sarah quotes in The Power of
Reflection ~ May 21, 2023
Whether your parish celebrated the Feast of the Ascension this past Thursday or is celebrating it today, you and I find ourselves looking forward with hope to the Feast of Pentecost, celebrated next Sunday, May 29. Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit of Jesus was poured out on Mary
Reflection for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
Happy Mother’s Day to all who are mothers– to your biological children, And those you Love with a Mother’s heart. My Dear Good People, Throughout this past week in the First Readings at daily Mass we have been listening to the struggles of the early Christians
#SisterSaturday Meet Sister Gabriel!
#SisterSaturday Meet Sister Gabriel! Originally from Pennsylvania and Cape Cod, Sister Graduated from our very own AHF! Now teaching Art classes at her alma mater, Sister shares her love for Our Lord and for all things art with her students. Her favorite Scripture verse is 1 John 4:16 – “God
Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter
This weekend and next, the first and second Saturdays in May, are traditionally set apart for First Holy Communions in Catholic parishes across the nation. This Saturday, May 6, I attended the celebration of First Holy Communion of some twenty second grade boys and girls. It was a beautiful liturgy,
Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, 2023
For a very long time, this fourth Sunday of Easter has been called Good Shepherd Sunday. The readings and prayers for the Liturgy of the Mass speak of—and to—the Good Shepherd of our souls (John 10:1-10). We’ve all seen images of the Good Shepherd: statues, pictures, even the
Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, 2023
How embarrassing it is when we find ourself talking to someone whom we know we should know, but we just can’t place the person. We continue the conversation hoping we won’t say something foolish that will let the other know that we don’t remember him, but eventually we either cut
#SisterSaturday-Divine Mercy Sunday Message
#Sister Saturday is back with this special “edition” on Divine Mercy Sunday, Saint Faustina, and our own Sister Faustina! Future posts will remain at their regularly scheduled time on Saturday mornings =) The devotion to Divine Mercy has spread far and wide since Our Lord first appeared to Saint Faustina
Reflection for Divine Mercy Sunday, 2023
John 20:19-31 Today we meet, as we do every Easter Season, St. Thomas the apostle who was not present with the other apostles when Jesus appeared to them on Easter Sunday. I wonder where he was, and why he wasn’t with them. Imagine missing the appearance of someone on whom
Easter Blessings!
Easter Sunday Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/John 20:1-9 Alleluia! We come to the Day of Resurrection! Our God lives! Throughout the Christian world people are finding ways to celebrate the rising of Jesus from the dead. It is the surest sign of
Good Friday, 2023
Friday of the Passion of the Lord Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC (Isaiah 52:13-53:12 • Psalm 31 • Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 • John 18:1-19:42) My Dear Good People, As a child I could never understand why today was called ‘Good.’ I had my own name for it. I still do,
Palm Sunday, 2023
Palm Sunday Reflection, 2023 We begin today’s Liturgy with the procession with the palms, calling out “Hosanna to the Son of David!” But within the hour we are calling out (though reluctantly), “Crucify him,” as we read the Passion Gospel. How could such a thing happen, that people who
Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 26, 2023
Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, 2023 John 11: 1-45 Once I made a dental appointment after a very long absence from my dentist. I made it with a new doctor who wouldn’t know how long it had been since my last cleaning. But when the hygienist came in
Laetare Sunday 2023
Today marks the half-way point of our Lenten Journey. Here is a thought to carry us through these last three weeks before the remembrance of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus: The great sculptor Michelangelo once ordered a small block of marble to be delivered to his
Third Sunday of Lent, 2023
This weekend the Woman of Samaria appears in our Gospel (John 4:5-42). If you have a copy of the Gospels, or can get it online, it is well worth reading this long passage slowly and prayerfully. This woman belonged to a people who had been influenced by both Jewish
Second Sunday of Lent, 2023
The Gospel this week brings us back to Mount Tabor and, once again, we hear the story of the Transfiguration. It is not a new story. Many of you could probably tell me all about it right now, without giving it a second thought. However, we are all called to
First Sunday of Lent, 2023
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul The temptation of Jesus in the Desert The Gospel reading for this First Sunday of Lent can be somewhat disturbing. It may seem that since Jesus is God (He is of course), He would never have to grapple with a temptation
As we prepare for Lent…
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Wednesday, February 22, is Ash Wednesday. It seems it comes while we still have random pieces of Christmas around our homes—a random pine scented candle; a fading, balding wreath on the side door of the garage But lent is here again, as
Reflection for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2023
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul When I was in Catholic grade school, times were simpler and safer. At the noon recess (a full hour!) we fourth graders and older were allowed to walk with a partner down to Main Street to visit the
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gospel (Mt. 5:13-16) Jesus said to his disciples: “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Happy #SisterSaturday: Meet Sister Mary Jacinta!
From a family farm in South Dakota to our Convent in Baltic, CT, Sister Jacinta has always loved praying the Rosary. It is her favorite prayer and she says that there is no problem the Rosary cannot solve. Sister Jacinta has a great love of Our Lady and shares that
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2023
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Dear Friends, As we prepare our hearts for Mass today (or reflect on what we have heard yesterday evening) we are reminded once again that, even in difficult times, there is hope. However, before He even shows us that there is a light
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2023
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul This weekend I would like to reflect on Gospel readings from two evangelists which tell the same story with slight variations. In this Sunday’s Mass we hear from St. Matthew (4:12-17) as he describes the selection of the first four apostles: Simon
Happy #SisterSaturday: Meet Sister Mary Francesco, SCMC!
#SisterSaturday: We missed you last week ~ today, meet Sister Mary Francesco! Growing up, Sister did not know about God; they did not go to church as a family. One day, Sister was looking through some books and in a child’s Catechism recognized an image of Our Lord from
Happy Belated #SisterSaturday: Meet Sister M. Denise!
It looks like the Three Kings helped bring us our belated #SisterSaturday message for you! Meet Sister M. Denise! Sister was born and raised in Frederickstown, MO and first felt the call to a Religious vocation in grade school. Sister had quite an adventure in search of God’s will for
Epiphany 2023
Reflection for the Feast of the Epiphany, January 8, 2023 In the Readings for the Mass of the Epiphany (the Manifestation) of the Lord, 2023, we hear about the visit of the magi, the wise men from the east (Matthew 2: 1-12). The men came to Jerusalem where
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister Mary Denise
It looks like the Three Kings helped bring us our belated #SisterSaturday message for you! Meet Sister M. Denise! Sister was born and raised in Frederickstown, MO and first felt the call to a Religious vocation in grade school. Sister had quite an adventure in search of God’s will for
Happy New Year!
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God JMJV Dearest Friend, As we come to the end of 2022 and begin 2023, we pause to thank God for His many blessings – especially for each of you. Thank you for all the messages you sent to our Sisters; they have
Happy #SisterSaturday: Meet Mother Marie Alma, SCMC!
Mother Marie Alma, foundress of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, was first and foremost a religious, a Bride of Christ. Mother was also a woman of vision and courage. To re-found a congregation of women starting in 1965 was certainly out of the ordinary,
“God speaks His Word in silence…”
JMJV An angel came… A child was born… Dearest Friend, If only it were that simple ~ but there were nine whole months of preparation in between! For us, we have Advent, not quite nine months, but a time of preparation just the same. A time
Happy Sister Saturday: Meet…
For Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, Mary is a central figure in our lives. That is why this Sister Saturday we want you to “meet” Mary, Mother of the Church. Our Lady’s open heart and faith filled “fiat” are examples for each one of us.
Reflection for the Fourth Week of Advent, 2022
Reflection for the Fourth Week of Advent, 2022 Today we stand before the Advent Wreath ablaze with light. All four candles burning tell us the days of Christmas are nearly here. There can be a clutching at the heart as we think of so much still to do: five
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister M. Alexandria
Sister grew up mostly in Illinois but often moved because of her father’s work. She met the Sisters on a discernment weekend and after getting hired at the Sisters’ nursing home in Wisconsin, decided she’d like to enter our congregation. She was especially attracted to the Sisters charity and peace.
Meditation for the Third Sunday of Advent, 2022
What Kind of House Can You Build for Me? (Isaiah 66:1) Today, let’s have a few moments of Advent meditative prayer on the moment of the Annunciation. Think about this: Carefully, prayerfully read the opening verse of Isaiah 66 given above. Imagine what Mary hears in Gabriel’s
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister Mary Jane
Sister Mary Jane grew up in Central and South Vietnam. She moved to Massachusetts in 1992. She met the Sisters through a Vietnamese priest. She remembers being very attracted by the Sisters’ beautiful habit. She says “it was love at first sight!” Sister enjoys Vietnamese dancing, cooking and also appreciates
Second Sunday of Advent, 2022
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul I can’t help thinking that Advent, this Season of Waiting, is a kind of metaphor for life. Mine and yours. We wait for Christmas when we will celebrate the coming, the Coming, of God, in Jesus, into the very midst of human
Sister Saturday: Meet Mother Mary Mark
Mother Mary Mark grew up nearby in Norwich, Connecticut. While studying at the Academy she was drawn to the Sisters’ simplicity. Mother’s hobbies include cooking, ice skating, and basketball!
1st Sunday of Advent
My Dear Good People, Beginning today, the First Sunday of Advent, 2022, instead of looking at the Gospel for the day, let us consider Our Lady and St. Joseph as they journey through the wondrous Christmas story that we have heard since childhood. Let us visit the little house
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister Marie Lucette
Sister Marie Lucette grew up in Belize. She met the Sisters when she came to the Academy of the Holy Family as a sophomore. When a community celebration approaches, Sister can very often be found decorating and planning the celebration!
Solemnity of Christ the King 2022
This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. Our minds are full of images of the Queen of England (may she rest in peace), of the new King Charles III, and of Princes and Princesses. Suddenly in the last few years we have seen more, heard more,
Reflection for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Have you heard people say, ‘I’m sure these are the end times!’? Most of us have. People who say this are familiar with the Gospel we hear today from Luke 21:5-19. In it, Jesus is speaking of the coming destruction of the
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister M. Loreto
Sister M. Loreto was born in New Jersey, but moved and grew up in Rocky Hill, Connecticut. She picked up a brochure about the community while on a vocational retreat and was inspired to write to them. Mother Marie Alma (the foundress) responded immediately. She was attracted by their conservative
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister M. Gabriel
Sister M. Gabriel was born in Bath, Pennsylvania and grew up in Bourne, Massachusetts. She met the Sisters when she came to the Academy of the Holy Family as a sophomore in high school. When her mom first pulled into the Academy parking lot, she felt like this was where
Reflection for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Reflections for the Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time. Sometimes we ask questions about our faith, and we might feel guilty doing so—it seems like we might be insulting God. But that’s not how God sees it. He wants us to have a mature understanding of Him, while still bringing to
Reflection for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul When I was small, my brothers would lure me into their frequent after school games of hide-and-go-seek. I hated that game, not because I was afraid of being found too easily, but because I was afraid of NOT being found. I was
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister M. Josephine
Sister M. Josephine was born and spent much of her life in Burundi, Africa. She eventually met the Sisters at St. Agnes convent chapel in St. Paul, Minnesota. One day when she was praying in their chapel a Sister invited her to come on a visit. She was drawn to
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister Mary Patrick
Sister Mary Patrick grew up in Manchester Connecticut and was attracted to the Sisters’ joyful and simple spirit when they came to her parish in 1960. Sister likes anything with music; listening, playing and directing the Sister’s choir. She can often be found mopping the floors around the house in
Reflection for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God With the Soul In the first reading and in the Gospel for today’s Liturgy we are urged to pray deliberately, with confidence and with perseverance. Jesus spoke in many different ways of the importance of prayer, and He set the example of frequent prayer by
Sister Saturday: Meet Sister Mary Kathleen
Sister Mary Kathleen grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota and met the Sisters at a religious conference in Mundelein, Illinois. She enjoys many different activities including: writing stories and poetry, drawing, painting, going for walks, visiting the ocean, photography, learning about how to teach reading, and working with students with
Family Blessing Mass and 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Family Blessing Mass Homily and the Twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time Below is the beginning of the homily given by Father Michael Bovino at our annual Family Blessing Mass. To hear Father’s entire homily, you can watch the video on our Youtube channel: or by clicking HERE. Thank you
Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul “‘Then I beg you, father, send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they too come to this place of torment.’ But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let
Reflection for the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Today I want to look at the opening prayer for the Sunday Liturgy (Mass). Here it is: O God, who founded all the commands of your sacred Law upon love of you and of our neighbor, grant that, by keeping your
Reflection for the 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Today, Mercy is written all over the Readings at Mass. Jesus is criticized because He eats with sinners. A shepherd rejoices at finding the one lost sheep even though he has 99 who never strayed. The angels celebrate over repentant sinners. The
Reflection for the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God; my soul is thirsting for God, the living God (Psalm 42:2-3). This short prayer is used as the Communion Antiphon this weekend, prayed aloud
Reflection for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Tume
Divine Dialogue of God With the Soul The last shall be first and the first shall be last (Mt. 20:16). In the whole scheme of things, the majority of us aren’t particularly fond of being first or last. Somewhere in the middle is generally good enough for us.
Reflection for the Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time, 2022
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul “How come people who aren’t Catholic don’t have to go to confession?” It was a question a young man asked me one evening. It was getting close to the time for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation, and he and some of his
Reflection for the Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Although our hearts are turning to the Feast of the Assumption which we will celebrate on Monday, the 15th of August, we have three somber readings for this Sunday: First Reading: Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 Second Reading: Hebrews 12:1-4 Gospel: Luke 12:49-53.
Reflection for the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Luke 12: 32-48 Things can happen suddenly, with far reaching effects. Gil, a young man staying at a boarding house in 1938, worked at a local diner as a ‘short-order’ cook. Maddy was also living there because she needed a place
Thank you, Father!
A blessed Sunday to you! In the Gospel this week (Luke 11:1-13), we hear one of the disciples ask, “Lord, teach us to pray…” Our Lord responds by telling us to call upon the Father with the words that Christians throughout the world have been praying ever since.
Reflection for the Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul I once had a spiritual director who, when she and I would meet to talk about things that matter, would begin by asking, ‘Sister, how’s your love life?’ It would choke me up every time. I knew she was asking me about my
Reflection for the Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul When we think of the ‘Good Samaritan’ we recall that ‘good people,’ respected people, passed by the man who was in trouble. Then a Samaritan, from a group of believers who were looked down upon by the townsfolk where this incident happened,
Reflection for the Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel (Luke 10:1-20) we see Jesus sending out seventy-two faithful disciples into various villages to prepare the way for Him. They were able to cast out demons, heal the sick and perform other miracles that set the stage for Jesus to come and preach the Gospel of
Reflection for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Responsorial Psalm at Mass is a jewel of a prayer that can resonate in our hearts all through this week. It reads, simply, You are my inheritance, O Lord. Found in Psalm 16, it comes from the heart of King David as a prayer in the night, crying out
Corpus Christi ~ June 19, 2022
Corpus Christi: the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. In some parishes this feast was celebrated this past Thursday as a Holy Day, and there may have been processions with the Blessed Sacrament through neighborhoods and even down Main St. USA. Most parishes celebrating the Feast this weekend
Feast of the Holy Trinity 2022
There are few mysteries in our faith that are as difficult to comprehend as the Mystery of the Holy Trinity. We have nothing in our experience with which to compare it, no frame of reference to explain how there is One God, three distinct Persons. Many beautiful volumes have been
Pentecost 2022
Blessed Feast of Pentecost to each of you! In today’s reading from the Acts of the Apostles 2: 1-11, there is the sense of awesome wonder at this first public outpouring of the Spirit of God in the early Church. The wonder of it all stemmed from the fact that
Holy Spirit Novena Day 9
Since tomorrow is Pentecost, today is the last day of our novena. Mary has been guiding us through this novena with great love and even though we may not have felt her presence we can be positively sure that we have been under the shadow of her mantle and, as
Holy Spirit Novena Day 8
In the Scriptures we see Samuel anointing Saul as King of Israel. Samuel says to Saul, Then the Spirit of the LORD will rush upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man. When he turned his back to leave Samuel, God gave him another heart. And
Holy Spirit Novena Day 7
Listen to this: …You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). When the Holy Spirit comes upon us something great will happen: we
Holy Spirit Novena Day 6
O Holy Ghost, my soul possess with Thy full flood of holiness. Let love light up my mortal frame till others catch the living flame. Hymn for Daytime Prayer, The Liturgy of the Word Yesterday we reflected on the struggle that makes us feel like we are little more
Holy Spirit Novena Day 5
St. Paul was obviously in love with the Holy Spirit. Especially the Letters to the Ephesians and to the Romans make frequent mention of the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 2:22 we read, In Him you are also being built together into a dwelling place for God in the Spirit. And in Romans 8:11
Holy Spirit Novena Day 4
St. Paul was obviously in love with the Holy Spirit. Especially the Letters to the Ephesians and to the Romans make frequent mention of the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 2:22 we read, In Him you are also being built together into a dwelling place for God in the Spirit. And in Romans
Holy Spirit Novena Day 3
If I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go, I will send Him to you (Jn. 16:7, Word on Fire New Testament). How many times we have felt, If only I had someone on my side! We are alone, defenseless. But Jesus
Holy Spirit Novena Day 2
Ephesians 1:14 tells us that ‘the Holy Spirit is the Guardian of our inheritance.’ Each of us has been given a priceless inheritance through our baptism. Whether we sought this baptism ourselves when we came to know the outstanding worth of Jesus Christ, or our parents and godparents brought us
Holy Spirit Novena Day 1
Novena for Pentecost June5, 2022 Day 1 John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. (Acts:1:1-11) In the Gospel reading for the Feast of the Ascension we hear the words Jesus spoke just before He took leave of them
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Because this weekend there are several options for the Gospel reading, I have decided to write about the Feast of the Ascension. Depending on your diocese, your parish will celebrate this feast this Thursday the 26th or next Sunday, the 29th of
Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Easter
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Every other year on Holy Thursday, the evening on which Jesus celebrated the Last Supper, a small group of Sisters and I celebrate a Catholic Seder Meal. It is an reenactment of the Passover meal which observant Jews celebrate each year, recalling
4th Sunday of Easter
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Today, let’s talk about sheep (John 10:27-30). They aren’t the smartest of God’s creatures, but they are fiercely loyal–to the one who cares for them. My parents certainly weren’t sheep herders but we did have one ewe lamb named Humphrey (she
Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul In today’s Gospel, John 21:1-19, Jesus asks Peter a question that seems so simple, but is really the one on which the whole of heaven and earth turns: Do you love Me? Not, “Will you avoid sin?”
Easter Blessings
Everything in the Mystical Body of Jesus, that is, the Church, cries out with joy, ALLELUIA! The Lord is risen, ALLELUIA. We are so familiar with the Easter story that it’s easy to miss the reality of the Resurrection, especially as it pertains to us as individuals. Here is
Palm Sunday 2022
Reflection for Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022 We stand at the door of the Paschal Mystery. Today marks the first day of the holiest week in the Church year. By this time next week, we will have experienced the miracle of Jesus winning our freedom from the power of the
Reflection for the Fifth Week of Lent 2022
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul This weekend at Mass there are several options for the Gospel reading. Depending on the choice of your Liturgy Committee or your Pastor, you might hear the story of raising Lazarus from the dead, or the woman caught in adultery, or a hostile
Academy of the Holy Family: March 2022 Newsletter
During February, the Marist Royals at the Academy of the Holy Family showed much spirit! They celebrated Spirit Week, had a Super Bowl party, and enjoy their February break. It was a fun month for all! During Spirit Week, the students celebrated International Day where they wore their traditional dresses,
Laetare Sunday 2022
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Reflection for the Fourth Week of Lent, Laetare Sunday Today is Laetare Sunday—the Latin word for rejoicing. We are joyful because Lent is half over and we are getting closer to the Solemn Feast of Easter. The Priest wears rose colored vestments,
Reflection for the Fourth Week of Lent 2022
Divine Dialogue of God With the Soul Today is Laetare Sunday—the Latin word for rejoicing. We are joyful because Lent is half over and we are getting closer to the Solemn Feast of Easter. The Priest wears rose colored vestments, a symbol of joy. There is a touch of
Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent, 2022
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul This weekend we have for our first reading at Holy Mass the story of Moses and the burning bush, which is a figure of God. This appears to be Moses’ first encounter with God. Here’s the story in a nutshell: long ago,
Day 9 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Josehph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 18th In the name of the Father, and of the
Day 8 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 17th In the name of the Father, and of the
Day 7 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 16th In the name of the Father, and of the
Day 6 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 15th In the name of the Father, and of the
Day 5 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 14th In the name of the Father, and of the
Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent 2022
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul In today’s gospel we are on the mountain with Peter, James and John (Luke 9, 28-36) following Jesus to a place where He begins to pray and suddenly Moses and Elijah appear and Jesus is transfigured. That’s not a word we use
Day 4 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 13th In the name of the Father, and of the
Day 3 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 12th In the name of the Father, and of the
Day 2 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 11th In the name of the Father, and of the
Day 1 ~ Novena for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
(As shared on the website for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich, CT) “The USCCB has composed this novena to be prayed yearly on March 10-18, the nine days that precede the Solemnity of Saint Joseph on March 19.” March 10th In the name of the Father, and of the
Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent
In today’s Gospel there is a phrase that gives me great hope: “Filled with the Holy Spirit…Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil” (Luke 4:1). Jesus, the Son of God, was tempted by the evil one. It happened when
Statement of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church Regarding the Tragedy in Ukraine and in Eastern Europe
“Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history.” Pope John Paul II, Greg Burke (1999). “An Invitation to Joy”, p.111, Simon and Schuster There are few in the western world who have not been gravely disturbed by the recent invasion into Ukraine by Russian troops, initiated
Reflection for the 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Today’s Gospel has a number of diverse thoughts, all related to the subject of authenticity. Jesus was a master story teller, and often used hyperbole to make His point. I would like to share with you one thought that comes to me from
Reflection for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul In today’s Gospel we have a list of ‘behaviors’ that Jesus expects of us—but they seem nearly impossible. Read them slowly as if you are hearing them for the first time, so you can understand how this sermon of Jesus must have sounded
Reflection for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul In today’s Gospel (Luke 6:17-26) we hear that the poor are blessed, and the rich should live as though they are poor. The hungry should feel blessed, and the well fed should be wary. Those who weep should rejoice, and woe to those who
February 6, 2022
Reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time In this weekend’s Gospel we hear of two very personal first-encounters with God. The first is Isaiah (Is 6:1-2, 3-8), who comes face-to face with God, either in a trance or in a dream. He recognizes Him and is terrified because, as
January 30, 2022
Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time In this weekend’s readings for Mass we find St. Paul writing about love in I Corinthians 13. We often hear it read at weddings. He begins by talking about the primacy of love among all the gifts; no matter what one
January 23, 2022
Reflection for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Today we read the beginning of St. Luke’s Gospel where he is writing to assure his friend Theophilus (who was he?) that everything he had been hearing about Jesus was true. There may be doubts in the mind of Theophilus but
January 16, 2022
Reflection for Second Week in Ordinary Time Everyone loves a wedding. We often cry at weddings, though, and it’s hard to tell why. There must be some part of us that is deeply moved when we hear two people making a covenant with each other to love in season
Baptism of Jesus
Reflection for the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus My Dear Good People, Today we celebrate the baptism of Jesus by St. John (the Baptist, of course), which is a quick jump from the Three Kings and the Epiphany we celebrated last week. But there is no time with
Feast of the Epiphany
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul January 2, 2022 The star shines bright like flame of Fire; God, King of Kings, it doth reveal. The wise Men saw it from afar and now with gifts before Him kneel. Dear Good People, Blessed New Year to you,
Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
JMJV Reflection for the Fourth Sunday in Advent My Dear Good People On this Fourth Sunday of Advent the Second Reading at Mass reminds us that by the Will of God, we have been consecrated through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ, once for all (Hebrews 10:10). This
Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent 2021
Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent. Yesterday while I was shopping in a crowded superstore, one of the sales associates whom I did not know (I’ll call him David) hurried over to me. Above his blue face mask, his dark eyes were luminously radiant. “Sister, I just
Liberty Bank Presents 21st Annual Willard M. McRae Community Diversity Award to Sister Mary Jude Lazarus of Willimantic
First Row: Catina Caban Owen, Liberty Bank Foundation; Marie Hakmiller, Holy Family Home & Shelter; Sister Mary Jude Lazarus, Sisters of Charity; Sheila Hauschild, Liberty Bank Willimantic Branch Operations Supervisor; Angela Smart, Liberty Bank Willimantic Branch Manager; Susan Johnson, CT State Representative; David Glidden, Liberty Bank President and CEO. Back
Reflection for the Second Sunday in Advent 2021
Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent We are already beginning the second week of Advent! This beautiful Advent season seems to rush upon us right after Thanksgiving, and we hardly have time to allow our quiet to overtake our hurry as we prepare for the Feast of
Reflection for the First Sunday in Advent, 2021
JMJV Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent My Dear Good People, Beginning today, the First Sunday of Advent, 2021, let us consider Our Lady and St. Joseph as they journey through the wondrous Christmas story that we have heard since childhood. Let us visit
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul My Dear Good People, Recently I spent two hours watching the marriage of Crown Prince Frederik and Mary Elizabeth Donaldson of Australia which took place in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2004. The pomp and circumstance was breathtaking. One day Frederik will likely
Reflection for the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time
JMJV Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Today we come to the last Sunday in Ordinary Time—next week we will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King, and the following week will be the First Sunday of Advent. The Church has us thinking today about the end
Reflection for the Thirty- second Sunday in Ordinary Tim
JMJV Divine Dialogue of God With the Soul We can probably all remember times when we were children when someone, an aunt, maybe, gave us a present for our birthday that didn’t suit us. At first we might have been upset or hurt about it, until Mom told
Reflection for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
JMJV Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul My Dear Good People, It was Halloween and I was seven. I had been waiting ‘all my life’ for the chance to wear the only store-bought costume my family ever owned–the leopard suit. It was a hand-me-down from someone, but to us
Reflection for the Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time
JMJV Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul As we open the Gospel Book for today to Mark 10:46-52, we are introduced to a man who is blind, begging at the side of the road. When he hears that Jesus is passing by, he calls out to Him,
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
JMJV Reflection for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel (Mark 10:35-45) we find the apostles in a very human situation: two of them are asking Jesus for special treatment: “May we sit at your right hand and your left hand
Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
JMJV Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel we hear the story of a conversation between Jesus and the ‘Rich Young Man’ (Mark 10:17-30). This is not a parable: it really happened, a moment of encounter that did not end well, at
Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time
JMJV Reflection for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time My Dear Good People, It’s the first recess of the first day of school for two first graders (in the days before kindergarten), and two little girls come running to me in the school yard. “Sister, guess what!
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
JMJV Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel, Mark 9:38-48, Jesus is speaking to all of us on more than one subject. Let us consider for a few moments the more thought-provoking part of this Gospel passage. Here Jesus tells us
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
JMJV Reflection for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time My Dear Good People, Children are wonderful. Sometimes I think they’ve been recycled: they are so smart at such a young age that they must have been here before. This week I was at supper with my brother and
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
JMJV Reflection for the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel (Mark 8:27-35), Jesus says to those who were listening to Him, Whoever wishes to come after Me must deny himself, take up His cross and follow Me. To the ears of His
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
JMJV Reflection for the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time My Dear Good People, Today the Gospel brings us, through Mark 7:31-37, into the area of the Lake of Galilee. Jesus has come to preach, and a man is brought into his presence who can neither speak nor hear. It’s
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
JMJV Reflection for the Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time When I was a sophomore in high school there was a small group of us students who were discerning a vocation to the Religious Life. We lived together in a small house on the Motherhouse property and attended the Academy
Solemnity of the Assumption
My Dear Good People, Nearly every adult I know has endured the grief of losing a loved one to death. Whether the loss was sudden or expected, we can be ambushed by the emotions that overwhelm us and the realization that our loved one has left an immense void in
August 8, 2021
JMJV Reflection for the Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. My Dear Good People, This week in the Church’s calendar we honor two very different people who were deported to the death camps during the Second World War: one because she was Jewish and a convert to Catholicism, the other because he was a Catholic
Significant shortages in available shipping containers causing mailing delays on a national level
Many companies across the United States are having to make adjustments because there are simply not enough containers available for their products/mailings to be sent as planned. This has affected our ability to send out mailings and/or products at times as well. We do apologize for any delays you may
August 1, 2021
JMJV Reflection for the Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. My Dear Good People, Today I’m reflecting on miracles. The Gospel for this Sunday refers to the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes–a great miracle–but there have been many highlighted in the past few weeks’ Gospels, and we are surrounded by
July 25, 2021
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Reflection for the Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. At the risk of sounding irreverent, I will tell you a true story from the annals of my years teaching little children in Religious Education programs. Once Father was speaking with my second
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today’s readings at Mass are full of peace, especially the peace of ‘the flock’ that rests in knowing that the shepherd is ever aware and watchful for their needs (Jer. 23:1-6, Psalm
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, We pray for all of our Friends who are suffering in the terrible heat these past weeks. May God send relief, especially to those who live alone and have no advocates.
Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
JMJV Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In this weekend’s Scripture readings for Mass (Ezekiel 2:2-5 and Mark 6:1-6) we hear about prophets and their message. A prophet is one who receives a word from God
50th Jubilee Celebrations Come to a Close
On June 4th we celebrated the closing of our 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church. Throughout the year we remembered our Foundress, Mother Marie Alma and the others who helped our community. The Sisters shared for the first time their memories
Corpus Christi Procession
Each year, on the Solemnity of the Sacred Body and Blood of Jesus, we go in procession with the Blessed Sacrament to pray throughout the convent grounds. Jesus continually blesses us with his presence! Four altars were lovingly prepared for the Blessed Sacrament in order that we might adore Jesus.
June 20, 2021
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day. The Sisters of Charity pray for all of the fathers we know on-line, through your prayer cards, all of our benefactors, and all your own fathers
Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
JMJV My Dear Good People, This weekend we celebrate the beautiful Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also called Corpus Christi. In the olden days in this village where I now live, and in countless others throughout our nation, on this day every Catholic
Academy of the Holy Family: May 2021 Ambassadors Newsletter
Click Here to View the Newsletter
Feast of the Holy Trinity
Feast of the Holy Trinity May 30, 2021 Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, as we do each year on the Sunday after Pentecost. We ponder the revelation of Jesus about Our Holy God, One God in Three;
Feast of Pentacost
Feast of Pentecost May 23, 2021 Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. Many Catholics have just completed a novena in preparation for this, the day Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on Mary and the apostles, and, in His blessed
Seventh Sunday of Easter
JMJV Reflection for the Seventh Sunday of Easter In today’s Gospel passage from Saint John, Jesus speaks to the Father saying: “I do not ask that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one. They do not belong to the world
Academy of the Holy Family Newsletter for May
A new dawn for the Academy of the Holy Family! The Academy took a two week spring break from March 30th to April 13th and classes started up again on the 14th. While some of the students and faculty relaxed at home with family and friends, the Environmental club was
Our Lady of Fátima Statue Winners
May 13th: A Very Special Day On May 13th 2020, in honor of the Apparitions at Fatima, we began having drawings for statues of Our Lady of Fatima. Through a shared devotion of Our Blessed Mother, our spiritual family continues to grow. It was and is our hope that Our Lady of
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Reflection for the Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 JMJV Happy Mother’s Day to all who are mothers to your biological children And those you Love with a Mother’s heart. My Dear Good People, Throughout this past week in the First Readings at daily Mass we have been
Honoring our Superior General, Mother Marie Julie
It is with great love and joy that we share with you a blessing for our Congregation: The Institute on Religious Life (IRL) has announced that they will be honoring Our Superior General, Mother Marie Julie, with the 2021 Pro Fidelitate et Virtute Award To read more, please click here.
Sacred Heart School
Sacred Heart School 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT 06380 Now enrolling new families! Call 860-887-1757 to schedule a tour! Masks must be worn. Come meet and greet current families, teachers, and our principal ~ Faith ~ Education ~ Love ~ 2021 Annual Fundraiser Thank you for you support! Click here
Sacred Heart School Open House
Thank you for all who attended the event. It was so nice to meet you!
Easter Season ~ 2021
May your hearts be open to His great Love and Mercy. We hold you and your loved ones in prayer. God bless you!
Fifth Sunday of Easter
JMJV The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today we celebrate the Fifth Week of Easter with a beautiful Gospel. Jesus talks about how closely He wants to be united to us and us to Him (Jn. 15:
Fourth Sunday of Easter
JMJV The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today is Called Good Shepherd Sunday because of the Gospel, John 10: 11-18, in which Jesus speaks of Himself as the Good Shepherd who cares for His sheep, and of His sheep
Third Sunday of Easter
JMJV The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today we have a Gospel that shows us Jesus appearing to His apostles after the Resurrection (Luke 24:35-48). They have already heard from several people that Jesus is
Easter Sunday!
A Lenten Renewal: Final Reflection for the Solemn Feast of Easter By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Beloved Good People, The Lord is risen. Alleluia. If we take the time to read the story of the Resurrection in all four Gospels, we are amazed at the different stories we hear.
Holy Saturday
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC Today the world is in mourning as for an only son (Zechariah 12:10). This moving antiphon at Morning Prayer for Holy Saturday, quoted from Zechariah, is one we carry with
Good Friday
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC The Hour has come. How often during our lives we have said those words. Something we’ve been anticipating—a surgery, a talk we have to give, a meeting we are dreading—is weighing
Holy Thursday
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today is the Feast of Love. For the three years of His public life Jesus had given so much: His healing power, His mercy,
Wednesday of Holy Week
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC Today it seems appropriate to dwell on six words from two distinct Books in Scripture, one in the Old Testament, the other in the New Testament: Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24. By
Tuesday of Holy Week
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, There is an interesting dynamic in today’s Gospel. This reading comes from St. John’s Gospel passage of the Last Supper, specifically 13:21-38. As Jesus and the apostles sat down for
Monday of Holy Week
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC Dear Good People, This will be long. But I’ve been waiting all Lent for this Gospel, so please bear with me. Today we have a beautiful picture of an
Palm Sunday
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, There is little to be said after praying the Liturgy for Palm Sunday Mass this weekend. The Celebration begins with Hallelujah to the Son of David and ends with Crucify him, crucify him! Such is our fallen
Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Here is a digression for the daily Scripture Readings. It’s a tale from Holy Family Motherhouse—a true tale. We have a number of Sisters who have come
Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, John 10:31-42: Today we find more hostility among the enemies of Jesus. They picked up rocks to stone Jesus at the beginning of this Gospel, and at the end
Feast of the Annunciation
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today, March 25th, we celebrate the moment when the Word of God, the Son of the Father, came to earth in human flesh at the word of the Immaculate
Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, The truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Well, not always. When I was in fifth grade, we had an exam—a Friday test, really. After the
Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, This time next week we will be in Holy Week. But today as we consider the Scripture reading at Mass (John 8:21-30) Jesus is already thinking about
Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, How embarrassing! A woman is “Caught in the Act of Adultery.” We know nothing more than that about her from the Gospel of John, 8:1-11. We wonder,
Fifth Sunday of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today’s Gospel, from John 11:1-45 is one of the longest Bible passages read at Mass, except for the Passion of Jesus during Holy Week. It is
Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, We come nearer and nearer to the Cross. Two weeks from today we will find ourselves in the darkness of the tomb with our buried Jesus. Today,
The Solemnity of Saint Joseph
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear good People, Today we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Joseph. As the Gospel for today (Mt 1, 18-24) begins, we see the dilemma of dear Joseph. His betrothed, Mary, is
Thursday of th Fourth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today, I am comforted by the antiphon for Communion at Mass: Here’s what the Church places on our hearts to pray: I will place
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Things continue to not look good for Jesus these days. In the Gospels at Mass, that is. His enemies are taking exception to everything He says, twisting
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, There is a story behind today’s Gospel story from John 5:1-16. There was a place called the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem where there was a pool with
Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Think about a time you needed a miracle (a very big one) from God and wondered how to win it. Perhaps you thought that having Mass offered
Fourth Sunday of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC The Fourth Sunday of Lent is called Laetare (rejoice, be joyful) Sunday. The word Laetare comes from the first Latin words of today’s Entrance Antiphon, which of course we pray in
Saturday of the Third Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Have you ever gone to a presentation knowing nothing about the speaker, and found yourself hoping it will be interesting? We all have. If the speaker steps
Congratulations, Mother Marie Julie!
JMJV It is with great love and joy that we share with you a blessing for our Congregation: The Institute on Religious Life (IRL) has announced that they will be honoring Mother Marie Julie of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church with the 2021 Pro
Friday of the Third Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today we have readings that touch our hearts deeply. The first reading at Mass is from the Prophet Hosea (14: 2-10), which is a book that speaks volumes
Thursday of the Third Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Yesterday marked exactly three weeks since we received ashes on our head this year. It made me think about my prayer on February 17 that I would
Wednesday of the Third Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In today’s first reading from the book of Deuteronomy, 4:1, 5-9, we hear about the statutes and decrees which God has given the People of the Covenant
Tuesday of the Third Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today’s Gospel, Mt. 18:21-35, shows us a sweet picture of the interplay between Jesus and Peter. Peter approaches Jesus and asks, If my brother sins against me,
Monday of the Third Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear God People, In today’s Gospel, Luke 4:24-30, we watch the tension rising between Jesus and the people from His own neighborhood as He returns to the Synagogue in Nazareth and speaks about the
Third Sunday of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In this Sunday’s Gospel (John 2:13-25), we have the story of Jesus driving the money changers out of the temple. He was angry, for sure. He said, My Father’s house is
Saturday of the Second Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, I think if there were only one chapter in the Bible left in the whole world, I pray it would be this one. Luke Chapter 15.
Friday of the Second Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today in the first reading from the Old Testament at Mass we hear the sad story of Joseph, the beloved youngest son of Jacob in the Old
Thursday of the Second Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, This isn’t about today’s Gospel, but it’s about our relationship with God. Each day I pray a holy hour in the chapel we call Cor Jesu (Heart of Jesus) in the
Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today we hear an incredibly graphic prophecy of the Passion and death of Jesus, from Jesus Himself (Mt 20:17-28). Imagine how the disciples might have felt when
Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel (Mt. 23:1-12) Jesus continues the theme of yesterday’s sermon: This is the way to become more like your Father in Heaven. Don’t follow the bad example
Monday of the Second Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, “It’s human nature,” we say. “To fall. To fail. To choose the apple instead of the pearl of great price. It’s just human nature.” And God knows our nature. But in today’s Gospel passage, as
Second Sunday of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Pope Francis often talks about Passion. Here I’m not referring to the passion as the suffering and death of Jesus, but rather the word meaning great ardor or conviction, usually associated with love.
Saturday of the First Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today Jesus gives us some insight into what it means to be God. The passage begins, Love your enemies (Mt 5:43-48). Imagine his followers hearing it for the first time, when they
Friday of the First Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today Jesus places before us in the Gospel at Mass the observation that we may have more moments than we realize in which we are less than holy. Patterns
Thursday of the First Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In the Book of Revelation (which we aren’t reading at Mass today) we hear Jesus say, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door We [My Father
Wednesday of the First Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, At today’s Mass the First Reading and the Gospel are related. In the Gospel (Lk 11:29-32) Jesus says His contemporaries are refusing to listen to His words as they fail to walk in the
Tuesday of the First Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal: Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel Reading at Mass from Mt 6:7-15 Jesus teaches us how to pray. Praying should be simple, but it can be hard, sometimes. I think of the
Monday of the First Week of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Today is the Feast of the Chair of Peter. This commemorates the authority of the Pope as head of the Catholic Church, tracing that responsibility back
First Sunday of Lent
A Lenten Renewal:Reflecting on the Mass readings as they apply to our daily livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel reading we come with Jesus to the desert, led by the Spirit, where He is tempted by the devil and remains for forty days and forty
Saturday after Ash Wednesday
A Lenten Renewal:Daily considerations of the liturgical readings as they apply to our contemporary livesBy Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, On this Lenten Saturday after Ash Wednesday we meet Levi at Mass, later known as Matthew. He was a member of the Jewish community but he worked as a
Friday after Ash Wednesday
A Lenten Renewal: Daily considerations of the liturgical readings as they apply to our contemporary lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My dear Good people, Some of us can remember the days when Lent was much more challenging in one way than it is now. There was far greater emphasis on
Thursday after Ash Wednesday My Dear Good People, On this Thursday after Ash Wednesday we hear in the Gospel a short passage where Jesus lays out the most basic principle of discipleship: If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and
Ash Wednesday – February 17, 2021
A Lenten Renewal: Daily Considerations of the liturgical readings as they apply to our contemporary lives By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, The Word of God is living and active; it pierces more surely than a two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12-14) Each day during Lent let’s briefly consider the liturgical readings as they
February 14, 2021
The Divine Dialogue of God with the SoulWeekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel, Mark 1:40-45, we see a man afflicted with leprosy who approached Jesus and asked to be cleansed, which meant healed. Leprosy was nearly the worst thing that could happen to a person
February 7, 2021
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In the dialogue of our souls with God, we have over the last year reflected on many subjects. Most have been related to the Scriptures–that’s where I most often find myself
January 31, 2021
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, I’ve more than once heard people say, “I don’t go to church anymore. I see too much hypocrisy there. People go up to Communion, then they cut off cars in the parking lot
January 24, 2021
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, We’re a few days late, but I want to share with you a story that deals with the anniversary of the tragic Roe vs Wade decision, January 22. Usually there’s a March for Life
January 17, 2021 The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Have you ever been near someone who radiated goodness? Did just being in the presence of such a person make you want to ‘reform?’ Did you sense his or her purity
The Baptism of the lord
Image* attributed to: James G. Howes, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 My Dear Good People, Today we celebrate the baptism of Jesus by St. John (the Baptist, of course), which is a quick jump from the Three Kings and the Epiphany we celebrated last
Feast of the Epiphany
Feast of the Epiphany January 3, 2021 My Dear Good People, Today in the Catholic Church we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. As we read the story of the Magi who came from the East to worship the newborn king, we are reminded that it was the Bethlehem Star that guided them to Jesus. Epiphany
New Year’s Reflection, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
New Year’s Reflection, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God January 1, 2021 My Dear Good People, Thank you for your many cards, promises of Masses and prayers and for your financial offerings for the Sisters and our ministries. We are profoundly grateful for the way you never fail to remember us. The great Dag Hamerskjold penned
Feast of the Holy Family
Reflection for the Feast of the Holy Family, December 27, 2020 My Dear Good People, Today, Sunday, December 27, the Church invites us to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The Feast was given to the Universal Church (that is, Catholics in every county in
Christmas Blessings!
On this beautiful Christmas Day… A Child born in a manger, A Son sent to redeem the world, A Savior come to renew all things. My Dear Good People, In older days, we knew about refugees seeking relief from war. Today we know of immigrants yearning for refuge from poverty, lack of education, disrespect for
December 20, 2020
Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 20, 2020 My Dear Good People, Today, we stand before the Advent Wreath ablaze with light. All four candles burning tell us the days of Christmas are nearly here. There can be a clutching at the heart as we think of all there
3rd Sunday of Advent – December 13, 2020
Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, December 13, 2020 My Dear Good People, Every year I tell this story to my Sisters, and you have perhaps heard it from me as well, but it bears repeating. There was a second grade Christmas Pageant one year in a local parish.
2nd Sunday of Advent – December 6, 2020
Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent, December 6, 2020 My Dear Good People, This weekend in our churches we light the second of four candles in the Advent Wreath. Perhaps you have a wreath of your own in your home with a candle, or two or three or four, depending
1st Sunday of Advent – November 29, 2020
Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent, November 29, 2020 My Dear Good People, This weekend opens the very beautiful Season of Advent in our Church—indeed, in many denominations of Christians. Here in New England where I live, this season is especially moving because of the long dark evenings and the
November 22, 2020
Feast of Christ the King Sunday, November 22, 2020 Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Though I don’t usually watch the news, I understand that the 2020 election here in America is not yet decided. It’s hard to know what is going on. The political
November 1, 2020
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, This weekend we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. Not just the Saints who’ve been canonized. All Saints! Have you ever met a Saint? I shook St. Teresa of Calcutta’s hand
October 25, 2020
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, This week we consider the passage in several Gospels when Jesus is approached by someone trying to trick— even trap—Him with a knotty question. Here He is asked by
October 18, 2020
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In this week’s Sunday Gospel we hear the intriguing words of Jesus, Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s (Mark 12:17). What a timely reading. It
October 11, 2020
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, This past week a dear friend of the Sisters, a Norbertine Priest, came to visit us and he brought with him a power point presentation of a pilgrimage he and
October 4, 2020
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, Most of you know that we have recently renovated our main chapel. It was a long process, and an expensive one, but the generosity and kindness of so many of you have
September 27, 2020
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In the Gospel reading for Holy Mass this weekend, Matthew 21:28-32, Jesus is driving home a point for the people who are listening to Him with hostility. I would like to reflect
September 20, 2020
The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, In today’s Gospel we hear a beautiful story from the Master story-teller, Jesus. He tells us about a land owner who is out looking for workers for his vineyard. He finds one person
Chapel Painting Complete!
The painting of the Motherhouse Chapel is complete! It took so much time and talent to prepare for the actual painting, then the walls and ceiling were painted… and finally, the decorative beautification took place. We are so pleased with the outcome of the beautification of our chapel and we
Sunday Reflection
Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 10, 2020 Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC My Dear Good People, A number of times during this Easter Season we have heard readings from Jesus’ conversation with His apostles during the Last Supper. Today’s Gospel includes a beautiful sentence that gives me great comfort
The Painting Has Begun!
An amazing scaffolding structure has been built to reach our 25 foot ceiling in the Motherhouse Chapel! The first group of carpenters and painters began their work on April 3. They completed their portion of the project on April 17. There was much to be done in preparation for actually
Prayer for Protection
O Gracious Virgin Mary, we fly to your motherly embrace for protection. Help us in our needs and shield us from danger.
Chapel Renovations Underway Soon!
One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.
Congratulations, Sisters!
On August 8th, after their annual eight-day silent retreat, our Novitiate Sisters took their next step in formation!
Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
(Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Luke 22:14-23:56) My Dear Good People, We begin today’s Liturgy with the procession with the palms, calling out “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Within the hour we are calling out (though reluctantly), “Crucify him.” How could such a thing happen, that people who praised Jesus
Fifth Sunday of Lent
(Is 43: 16-21; Phil. 3: 8-14; John 8: 1-11(36)) My Dear Good People, We find ourselves only one week away from Holy Week. This Sunday is called Passion Sunday because we are so close to the precious days of the passion and dying of Jesus. In many churches the crosses
Fourth Week of Lent
On the Fourth Sunday of Lent the Church invites us to hear the story Jesus tells of the son who demanded of his father ‘his share of his estate,’ left home, squandered every penny, and found himself with absolutely nothing—-except the remembrance of his father. He makes his way home sadly,
Third Week of Lent
My Dear Good People, In today’s first reading we hear God telling Moses to remove his sandals before the burning bush in the desert, because he was “standing on Holy Ground” (Exodus 3:5), ground made holy by the presence of God. Pope Francis often reminds us that we walk on
Second Week of Lent
My Dear Good People, as we enter the second week of Lent, we are invited to look at our relationship with God in prayer. In the Transfiguration narrative, we see Jesus taking Peter, James and John up the mountain to pray. Prayer is always an invitation that comes not from within our
Ash Wednesday
Greetings in the Lord! Traditionally Lent is a season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to prepare and open us to receive the wonderful graces that the Paschal Mystery of Easter brings. As we practice these holy Lenten activities, the Church provides a lively liturgy that is meant to foster and
Nazareth Building Complete!
All of you know how dear to our hearts the elderly Sisters of our Community are. We are always seeking ways to improve the experience of aging for them, for they have served so faithfully in the apostolates of teaching, health care, social service and domestic work in our convents. Now they serve through the ministry of suffering,
Advent Prayer
Lord Jesus, You have chosen to enter our lives so that we may enter the life of the Trinity. This indwelling is a gift that only Your love could have designed. From dawn to dusk, from sunset to sunrise You and the Father and Your beloved Holy Spirit live and
More Pictures of the Renovations!
Praise God for the warmer weather that has allowed the workmen to make progress on the Perpetual Help Center addition for our elderly Sisters. Thank you for your contribution through your prayers and financial support. We offer you our prayers and sacrifices in return for your great love.
Update on the PHC and Novitiate Roof
We are so very grateful to all who have helped contribute to the new roof for the young sisters and to the renovations in the living area for our dear elderly sisters by your prayers and donations. The contractors will be coming soon to look at the situation with the
“Religious Life: Ever Ancient, Ever Beautiful…”
Click here to listen to Sister Kateri’s reflection on Indwelling Presence of Jesus in our Souls. Sister M. Kateri Ludick, SCMC gave a beautiful reflection on the presence of Jesus in Our Lady and in our souls. Sister concluded the talk with thoughts on the joy that awaits us in Jesus’
Entrance Day for Postulants!
On the Nativity of our Blessed Mother, we celebrated the reception of our postulants: Sister M. Veronica Rose and Sister M. Philomena. These two candidates are both from New England and had many opportunities to participate in community events even before their entrance.We thank God for the gift of their
Final Renovations of the Holy Family Food Pantry
We thank our benefactors for their great generosity!! We couldn’t have done it without their prayers and financial support. We thank the many workers and volunteers that helped with the physical labor!! We are still looking to do more with renovating the outside of the area: the driveway to the
Congratulations to our Jubilarians!!
On June 19th the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church celebrated with our three Jubilarians. We congratulate Mother M. David and Sister Joan Marie on their dedication to the Lord as Sisters of Charity for 50 years!! May the Lord continue to be your strength. We
Food Pantry Renovations!
Our Holy Family Food Pantry is undergoing major renovations ~ thanks to our generous benefactors! Through their support of this ministry to the poor we are able to provide a more welcoming atmosphere, worthy of their dignity. The Sisters serving in this ministry are overjoyed to see this process taking
World Day of the Sick
On this celebration of the World Day of the Sick we held a prayer service for our sick and elderly Sisters. We prayed to the Blessed Virgin and implored her to heal those of our family, friends and benefactors who experience sickness. “On 11 February next, the Twenty-fifth World Day of
Congratulations Sister Therese Maria!
May God bless you Sister Therese Maria on your entrance into the Postulancy! Sister Therese Maria has always had a strong devotion to Saint Therese of Lisieux and shares similarities with her spirit and life. Sister was inspired by many close family members and friends to deepen her relationship with
Golden and Silver Jubilees
The celebration of Sister Monica Mary and Mother Christina’s Jubilees was wonderful! It was a day filled with the joy and beauty of religious life. We had the celebration of the Mass followed by a meal. Both Sisters expressed their deep love for their vocation and thank God for His
Relics of the Passion
On Sunday, March 7th, Ms. Denise Serafini presented a program entitled “The Relics of the Passion.” It was comprised of three parts; namely, meditations, choral selections and veneration of the relics. The program was very beautiful. The meditations showed how much Christ suffered for love of us. The choral selections added charm
Holy Door in the Jubilee Year of Mercy
Since the year 1300 when Pope Boniface VIII declared the first Holy Year, the Catholic Church has regularly celebrated “Holy Years,” usually every twenty-five years (at least since 1470), except for special circumstances, like in 1983 when a Holy Year was declared to mark the 1950th anniversary of the death
Congratulations Sister Kateri!
Sister Kateri professed the vows of chastity, poverty, obedience and charity forever on August 13. Participating in the Mass of Profession with the Sisters of Charity was Monsignor Leszik Janik, the celebrant, along with several concelebrants from the diocese of Norwich, CT. Sister Kateri’s father, Deacon Ludick, was privileged to serve
Desperation, Dreams, and Tears: A Visit To Our Southern Border
Seven Connecticut College undergraduates, Fr. Bob Washabaugh, two Catholic chaplain interns from Yale Divinity School and I spent a week at the Arizona-Mexico border. Some of the students went to get a better idea of the sacrifices their parents made so that they could have a better life here in
Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life
O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy
New Postulants!
We are thankful to God for the gift of two new postulants, Sister Maria Mercy and Sister M. Alexandria. Sister Alexandria entered on June 27th, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sister is named after Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Sister Maria Mercy entered on July 16th, the Feast of
“Let What Breaks Your Heart, Break Mine”
We are still reeling from the reports coming from Sandy Hook School. It will be some time before we can hear that name without feeling a chill at the bone, especially since so many of us are involved with little people in our schools. But one added sadness is that
General Chapter 2012
The General Chapter of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church began on July 5 with the opening Mass celebrated by Father Tito in the Motherhouse chapel. Bishop Perry, from Chicago, worked with our Congregation to prepare for this event. We thank him for his inspiration
Sister Charles Marie Celebrates her Golden Jubilee!
On the solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 19th, Sister Charles Marie celebrated her Golden Jubilee with the Congregation and on the following weekend she celebrated with her family and friends. What a joyous occasion this was and we praise God for the precious gift of Sister Charles Marie and her
Ave Maria University Vocation Fest 2012
Mother Mary Jude and Sister Joan Clare were privileged to attend the beautiful University in Florida on Wednesday, April 18th for their annual Vocation Fest. Father Robert Garrity, the director of campus ministry, and Donna Rittereiser put together a really exciting program to encourage vocations. The Fest included live music by Martin
The Youth Explosion will take place on Sunday, March 25th from 12:30p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at St. Bernard School in Uncasville,CT. The theme for this year is “Living a Life of Worship.” Throughout the day teens will have the opportunity to worship God with other teens from all over the
Lenten Message from Pope Benedict XVI
The Holy Father’s 2012 Lenten Message focuses on the virtue of charity Lenten Message of the Holy Father Benedict XVI, the title of which is taken from the Letter to the Hebrews: “Let us be concerned for each other, to stir a response in love and good works”. “The Lenten
Christmas Visits in the Motherhouse
Our family experienced the true joy of Christmas when we visited our daughter, Sister Kateri, for three days at the Motherhouse. We shared many laughs, wonderful meals, hugs and had the opportunity to attend prayer and Mass together. With all of these moments, our joy was complete – and that
Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Enjoy the beautiful presentation on Our Lady of Guadalupe, the discoveries about the tilma of the Virgin of Guadalupe. God of power and mercy,you blessed the Americas at Tepeyac with the presence of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe. May her prayers help all men and women to accept each other as brothers and sisters. Through
CD Release – Christmas Joy
We have made our second CD: Christmas Joy! This ensemble features traditional Christmas carols as well as unique arrangements of The First Noel, We Three Kings, and Silent Night. It was with great prayer and effort, along with the expertise of Michael Frishman and Carol Mailhot that this CD was made. We praise God for the many
IRL Regional Meeting
The Second Vatican Council stated that the Holy Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian Life” (Lumen Gentium, no. 11). As we prepare for the revised edition of the Roman Missal, due to be introduced on the first Sunday of Advent, it is good to be reminded that “an indispensable means of effectively sustaining communion
Earth is Linked to Heaven
Our Sisters attended a workshop this weekend on the changes in the Roman Missal, third edition. The workshop was given by Father Gabriel B. O’Donnell, O.P. at the Motherhouse in Baltic and consisted of five one-hour conferences. Not only did we learn the developmental history of the Roman Missal
Summer Camp 2011
Campers, this year’s camp was awesome! It was great having all of you take part in H.F.S.C. 2011. Enjoy these photos as reminders of the precious time we shared. Please keep in touch with us through the year by leaving comments on this page. We can’t wait to read about the precious pearls you will
Final Profession Day
Behold the Bridegroom comes, let us go out to meet Christ the Lord! Sister M. Gabriela and Sister Maria Teresa made their Final Profession on August 7. We ask the Lord to bless them with perseverance in their vocation. What a blessing for our Congregation and for the Church! Psalm
Summer School 2011
The Academy of the Holy Family Summer School 2011 at Sacred Heart Education Center is deep into their program. Sister Mercedes, several of the Sisters of Charity and an excellent lay staff help make this summer school possible for students to prepare for the upcoming school year.
Corpus Christi Procession Photos
O Sacrament most holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine! Solemnity of the Holy Eucharist ~ June 26 [nggallery id=1]
Preparation for Vows
Sister Gabriela and Sister Maria Teresa are in the novitiate for their intense spiritual preparation for their perpetual profession on August 7. Our prayers are with these Sisters as they prepare to be spouses of Jesus Christ. God bless you Sisters!
41st Anniversary
This joyous celebration of the anniversary of our Congregation’s foundation began with Holy Mass and continued with festive community activities. These are the Sisters who were in the Congregation since 1970, when we received our papal approbation from Rome.