Mission Statement
As Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church we embrace our two-fold mission of sanctity and service. In a spirit of simplicity, we aspire to live a life rooted in the Gospel, in imitation of Mary and expressed by prayer, charity, self sacrifice and loving obedience. We devote ourselves to the works of charity, and as true daughters in the heart of the Church, we serve others through the apostolates of education, caring for the sick, the aging and the poor, wherever there is a need.

Communal Life

As a family gathered together in the Lord’s name, we consider our first and most important mission the mission to love. We live, work, and pray together as a family. Through religious profession, we become permanent members of our religious family. This bond of love among us resembles the eternal love of the Blessed Trinity. As a community, we strive to attain an atmosphere of mutual support, respect and kindness among ourselves, assisting one another in our quest for the common goal of sanctity through selfless service.

Because of our relationship with God, we have a relationship with others. A religious community is made up of Sisters of different ages, backgrounds, experiences, and cultures. God called each of us to Himself as His bride in the same community. We hope to be, especially among ourselves, a beautiful reflection of God’s love here on earth. It is as if we are all different pieces in a beautiful mosaic; different colors, different shapes and sizes but altogether we create a masterpiece of God’s love.

The Eucharist binds us as one in the service of love. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Benediction and fervent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament all remind us of God’s great love. Our time spent in intense prayer deepens our relationship with our Spouse.

Daily Prayers

Holy Mass
Complete Liturgy of the Hours
Meditation and Lectio Divina
Visit to the Blessed Sacrament
Spiritual Reading
Particular and General Examination of Conscience
Communal Rosary

Other Spiritual Exercises

Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on Sunday
Forty Hours Devotion during the Christmas Season (exposition of the Blessed Sacrament)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament during evening prayers
An annual eight-day silent retreat
A monthly silent day of prayer and recollection
Personal daily prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Attending spiritual conferences throughout the year
Stations of the Cross, loving sacrifices and personal devotions
Participation in programs and courses that foster on-going spiritual growth and holiness

We Invite You to Pray With Us.

Devotion to Mary

We have a special devotion to the Virgin Mary under her many titles, especially that of Mary, Mother of the Church. Our devotion to Mary is one of unbounded confidence, childlike trust, and tender love for so magnificent a Mother. It is especially in Mary, Mother of the Church that we begin to understand our call to the consecrated life more fully. In all that we do, we go to Jesus through Mary.

The spirit of simplicity shown by loving obedience, charity and self-sacrifice is the distinctive spirit which permeates our lives and all that we do as we strive to fulfill the mission entrusted to us by the Church.

Saint Vincent de Paul

The founder of our Congregation, Bishop John Zwijsen, was inspired by the spirituality of Saint Vincent. We see St. Vincent de Paul as an inspiring example of evangelical service. We are called to live and work in his spirit. Commitment to the poor was the road St. Vincent de Paul followed. He states: in the poor you find God.

To serve the People of God in a spirit of heartfelt simplicity. The purpose for which our Congregation was founded is the sanctification of its members and service to others. The spirit of simplicity shown by loving-submission, charity, and mortification is the distinctive spirit which permeates our lives and all that we do as we strive to fulfill the mission entrusted to us by the Church.
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