Mission of Love

As Sisters of Charity we, with the Church, view each individual as a dwelling place of the Spirit. As we go about our daily lives, we strive to put this awareness into action by the way we speak and act towards others. Wherever, whenever and however possible we seek to proclaim Christ’s message of love and hope to the people of God, especially the poor, the forgotten, the lonely, and the despairing. We recognize that within ourselves there is a struggle between body and soul and so we seek reintegration and healing for ourselves and others. We do this by our simple kindness, graciousness, and joy. We hope to say, by our charity, “You are good! You are loved! You are cared for and known by the Lord our God! You, my child, are worthy of the Kingdom of God!”

“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren, you did it to me.”

Matt 25:34

Works of Charity

As Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church we serve the people of God in a spirit of heartfelt simplicity. We were founded in the spirit of Saint Vincent de Paul to sanctify ourselves and others through the works of charity. We care for the poor and needy by spiritual and corporal works of mercy. We were originally founded by Bishop John Zwisjen specifically to educate, prepare, and form young women to impact the world. Bishop Zwisjen also wished that the Sisters cared for the elderly. We strive to carry out his mission today.

We are always mindful of adapting our various apostolates to the needs of the Church in the present day. Today, we commit ourselves to the following works of charity:

Care of the Elderly

Closely following in the footsteps of Christ and remaining faithful to our founder’s vision, we spend ourselves caring for the sick and elderly. In the Motherhouse we have our Perpetual Help Center, named after Our Lady of Perpetual Help. There we care for our elderly and sick Sisters. We consider it a privilege to serve our faithful Sisters who are now the spiritual backbone of our Congregation. There are Sister-nurses stationed here, in our “PHC” as we lovingly call it, as well as in our nursing home in Wisconsin.
One Sister says, “It’s like caring for Christ Himself.” Every Sister involved in the nursing apostolate strives to be Jesus’ hands and feet on earth; she heals the sick and says with her life, “You are good and precious in our Father’s eyes.”

Saint Elizabeth Home
109 South Atwood Avenue
Janesville, WI 53545
Phone: 608-752-6709

We are "His voice proclaiming the Kingdom of God to the multitude and converting sinners;His hands healing the sick, caring for the poor and needy, the aged and young children;His feet, worn yet willing to go when sent to do good to all of His people."

Holy Rule

“We have no time to lose because today is shaping tomorrow and our most precious heritage is our youth!”

Mother Marie Alma, Foundress

"We must love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love."

St. Vincent de Paul

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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