November 22, 2020

Feast of Christ the King
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC

My Dear Good People,

Though I don’t usually watch the news, I understand that the 2020 election here in America is not yet decided. It’s hard to know what is going on. The political arena is made so complex by the media. But at the end of the day the whole earth cries out for peace.

This weekend (the last before Advent which begins next Sunday) we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. We turn to Jesus who is King of the Universe, King of the World, King of Nations, King of our hearts. How fitting that in the midst of the uncertainty of the political scene, we can be certain of one thing: God ‘holds the whole word in His hands.’ It may be hard to keep that in mind, but we know it’s true. Our faith is anchored in the hope we have in the Fatherhood of God and the Kingship of His Son.

After all, we are a Pilgrim People. This really is a beautiful world created by our beautiful God, but we are just passing through. In the letter to the Hebrews, Chapter 13, verse 14, we read, For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. We are reminded that our Homeland is with God. We are citizens of this earth with certain rights and responsibilities, but there is more to come. Our true life commences when we come to the Everlasting City where Christ the King rules in perfect peace, and we will be sharers in that peace.

Yes, we live in a democracy now but our souls are made for the Monarchy of Eternity where, after a life of fidelity to God we will dwell in perfect harmony with every other ardent soul who has worked for peace. Let us place our trust in Him. He wants only our good, and He is gentle in that desire for us. Jesus asked us to let our light shine for all to see. Today, we are invited to rekindle our light so that the entire world will know to whom we belong: Who we are, and Whose we are. We are sons and daughters of the King. We are children of the Light. We are sojourners on our way to meet the Lord of Lords for whom we have waited all our lives.
Long live Christ the King.
Blessed Thanksgiving Day to you.

In the Heart of Christ,

Mother Marie Julie
and the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady,
Mother of the Church

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