November 1, 2020

The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul
Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC
My Dear Good People,
This weekend we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. Not just the Saints who’ve been canonized. All Saints!
Have you ever met a Saint? I shook St. Teresa of Calcutta’s hand in New York (once). And I was a few hundred yards from St. John Paul the Great (twice). But I’ve lived with saints in my convent, taught saints in my high school English class, worked with some during my healthcare ministry days, walked the road of Spiritual Accompaniment with more than a few, had my groceries checked out by some, and sat with a number of saints as they lay dying.
I suspect you’ve known your share of saints as well. I have no doubt that many of you reading this today are saints. Very likely each of you.
Who are the saints who will never be canonized (Big S) but are surely living saintly lives (small s)?
These saints (see if you agree with me) are those who place God first in their lives. They take time to pray every day. They give others the benefit of the doubt in the face of obvious imperfections, instead of criticizing them. They are hardly ever heard speaking negatively about another. They give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay. Wouldn’t think of lying, or cheating. They are, however, aware of their sinfulness and are willing to seek forgiveness of others, and of God when they fail, knowing He longs to forgive them.
Notice I haven’t said they are perfect. But they are striving for sanctity. Recall that the greatest canonized saints approached the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) frequently, not because they carelessly sinned, but because they knew they needed the Mercy of God to strive toward answering the call of Jesus to be holy as our Heavenly Father is Holy. That means that as God is Holy according to His perfect nature, we should be holy according to our own weak human nature, that can be transformed by the Grace of God if we are open to it.
It’s probably not a good idea to spend too much time thinking about our own holiness. But if we fall in love with our beautiful, Holy God, we will daily allow His Spirit to lead us along the path to holiness which is, after all, what it means to be Saints. Big S or small s.
Keep an eye out for the holiness of the people you know, instead of investigating their faults. That’s what God does, in His Mercy. That’s the way He is Holy.
And are we not created in His Image?
Happy Feast of All Saints. Happy Feast Day to you.
With love,
Mother Marie Julie
and the Sisters of Charity of our Lady, Mother of the Church
“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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