February 7, 2021

The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul
Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC
My Dear Good People,
In the dialogue of our souls with God, we have over the last year reflected on many subjects. Most have been related to the Scriptures–that’s where I most often find myself speaking with God–but there have been other subjects that have brought us into the presence of God within our souls. Today I am thinking about the propensity of the human spirit to seek heroes, often in mundane places.
It’s as old as humankind, this honoring of people stronger, wiser bolder, larger, more talented than ourselves. Greek and Roman mythology are full of hero worship, as are current Eastern and Western cultural stories. Some are true, some are fictitious, but it seems that in almost every case we find ourselves lauding those who have accomplished more than we could have dreamed of, even sports heroes…. Today’s MVP will be a case in point!
Why do we seek heroes? Why do they loom large on the landscape of the human experience?
I suggest that this phenomenon is in part due to that desire within each of us to be more than we think we are–to reach for the stars, figuratively and literally. There is written into our DNA a need, a drive to be great, to go beyond what we have already done, and we sometimes find ourselves having to settle for the vicarious experience of others.
But it speaks to the heart of the matter: we have been created for greatness, and we just can’t settle for less. What is that greatness? Whence comes that yearning for more?
It comes from the very nature of our common humanity: we have been created in the image of God, and we spend our lives, deliberately or in spite of ourselves, trying to find that image in ourselves. Failing that, we try to find the perfection of our nature in others.
God Himself has a dream for each of us. Most of us never seem to think we have measured up to it. But we are mistaken if we think His love for us depends on how good or strong or wise or talented we are. He loves us because He loves us. The closer we come to responding faithfully to His grace in us, the happier we will be–the more peace and joy we will find within ourselves.
Achieving heroism? That’s probably beyond the measure of ourselves. But seeing goodness and strength in others can be a reminder for us to strive to reflect to others the image of God who dwells in us. Olympic medals, Heisman trophies and Nobel Prizes won’t come our way too easily. But bringing the love of Jesus to a lonely soul or reaching out to a grieving coworker when we have heartaches of our own–these simple acts of kindness bring to us the words of Our Lord, ‘Come, my faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord, for I was hungry and you gave me food, in prison and you visited me… because whatever you did for the least of mine you have done for Me’ (Mt 25:40).
How could we ask for any other greatness?
God bless you this Super Bowl weekend, and every ordinary day of your life.
With loving prayers,
Mother Marie Julie
and the Sisters of Charity
of Our Lady, Mother of the Church
“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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