Father’s Day 2023

No matter what your relationship with your father might have been (or perhaps you never knew your father), this day will bring certain emotions to your heart. You may feel you had/have a father who was definitely a gift from God to you. You may feel that your dad did the best he could, “under the circumstances.” Or, it could be that your relationship with him is/was something you don’t even want to think about.


Whatever happens in your heart on this day, the fact is that each of us has a Father who will never let us down, no matter what we do. He will love us to the end through thick and thin, and we can be sure He will never leave us to ourselves. I’m speaking, of course, of our Heavenly Father.


Could it be that your relationship with Him hasn’t been too cordial? Have certain things happened in your life which have made you angry with your Father in Heaven? Are there moments when you just don’t understand Him? Does He seem sooo far away that your prayers just never reach Him?


If so, may I suggest that you spend a few moments in a solitary place, and ask Him one question? Ask Him this

Father, tell me what You see, 

when You rest Your gaze on me


Then be still. Listen for His answer.

But promise me this:

Promise that you will believe Him, when He says, You are mine and I love you.  


If you hear something else, that’s not the voice of Your Father God.


But what if you have a relationship with your Heavenly Father that comes from the Holy Spirit?  What if you have known for a long time that the Father is in love with you, faults and all? What if His love for you is the light and the food that sustains you? What if you can’t imagine your life without Him?


May I suggest that you ask Him the same question?

Ask Him this:

Father, tell me what You see, 

when You rest Your gaze on me


Be still. Listen for his answer.

But promise me this:

Promise that you will believe Him when He says, You are mine, and I love you. 


You need to hear it, because even if you know it, other voices try to drown out His. The world wants to define you in other terms, terms your Heavenly Father would never dream of using for you. He wants to say it to you over and over again.


Have a blessed Father’s Day.


“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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