Congratulations, Mother Marie Julie!



It is with great love and joy that we share with you a blessing for our Congregation:


The Institute on Religious Life (IRL) has announced that they will be honoring

Mother Marie Julie of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church 

with the 2021 Pro Fidelitate et Virtute Award


“Mother was a member of the IRL Board of Directors from 2005 – 2019 and also served as Executive Vice President.  Faithful to the name of her community, Mother has been a maternal presence and guide to many communities, organizations, discerners and emerging institutes.  Their community motto, “To Jesus Through Mary,” reflects Mother’s own life as a humble handmaid of Our Lord.”1


The very kind words of the IRL certainly reflect our own love and gratitude for Mother Marie Julie as our Superior General, spiritual mother, and guide.  On behalf of Mother Marie Julie and the Congregation  of the Sisters of Charity Of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, we would like to thank the IRL for their kindness in bestowing this honor on our Mother.


With deepest gratitude we also thank the IRL and its staff for all that they continue to do in proclaiming to the world the essential value of Religious life as well as for their individual support of Priests and Religious.2  If only we could give each of them this award.  It would be fitting.


Humbled by your light and love, we thank you and pray for you.


In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Your Sisters of Charity




For those who have not heard of this award before, we have included a summary from the EWTN website; a link can be found at the bottom of this post.



“In 1986 the Institute on Religious Life initiated the Pro Fidelitate et Virtute Award, conferring it on someone who has been outstanding in their faithfulness to the teaching of the Church in promoting religious life and defending authentic religious life.

John Joseph Cardinal Carberry was the first recipient; Father John A. Hardon, S.J., Paul Augustin Cardinal Mayer, O.S.B., Mother Mary Claudia Honsberger, I.H.M., Mr. William J. Isaacson, Esq., Mother Teresa, M.C., Most Reverend James J. Hogan, and Sister Mary Assumpta Long, O.P. have received the award in the succeeding years.” 3


“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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