Thank you for allowing us to pray with you

Dear Friends,

During November, the Month of All Souls, we especially remember our dearly departed.  Let us pray with you for your deceased loved ones. Send us their names in the form below and we will place them on the Altar to be included in all the Masses celebrated in our Motherhouse Chapel throughout the month of November.

My Sisters and I are humbled by the confidence you place in us. You honor us with your prayer requests and we take every one of them to the very heart of our God. His heart is always open to your needs and to all those things that make you feel anxious or worried. God cares and He is always listening. Our Blessed Mother is listening. The Sisters are listening. Every written petition, every phone call, every e-mail that comes to us with a prayer request – we hear you!

You are always in our hearts and in our prayers. Please pray for us.

In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Your Sisters of Charity

You may add a detailed description of your intentions for the Sisters to pray for.
Only for the Sisters - Optional