Thank you, Father!

A blessed Sunday to you!



In the Gospel this week (Luke 11:1-13), we hear one of the disciples ask, “Lord, teach us to pray…” Our Lord responds by telling us to call upon the Father with the words that Christians throughout the world have been praying ever since.


We call upon God in prayer for many different reasons. Maybe you have a big decision to make, maybe you find yourself or a loved one in need of God’s assistance in a particular way, or maybe you just want to say “thank you” for His Presence or for prayers answered. Whatever the reason, we can always be assured that Our Father is ever present, waiting for us to come to Him and call upon Him.


Today, we come to Him with prayers of thanksgiving for all of you and for another very special reason. At the end of our Annual Retreat that was held earlier this month, Sister Marie Celeste, who you may remember as our Postulant, was accepted into the Novitiate and was clothed in the official habit and veil of our Congregation!


So, as you go before Our Lord this day in prayer, please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for our beautiful Sister, Sister Marie Celeste, the gift she is to us, and the great gift she offers to God as she continues on this journey.


Thank you, Father, for Your many blessings.


“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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