Sunday Reflection

Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 10, 2020
Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC

My Dear Good People,

A number of times during this Easter Season we have heard readings from Jesus’ conversation with His apostles during the Last Supper. Today’s Gospel includes a beautiful sentence that gives me great comfort during this pandemic, and I pray it touches a chord in you as well.

Jesus tells us not to be afraid. In His Father’s house, He says us, there are many mansions. Then He says something that we might have missed: “I go to prepare a place for you….And I will come back again and take you to Myself so that where I am you also may be.” His apostles must have found this confusing, unsure as they were of what was about to happen to Jesus. But today, these words should be seared into our minds as thousands have taken their last breath in nursing homes or hospitals with no family members there with them. Listen again to what Jesus says: “I will come back and take you to Myself.” That means that no one dies alone. NO one! Jesus doesn’t send an angel or a deceased relative to escort the dying person to eternity. Rather, He Himself comes back and walks your loved one, your friend, home. Can you see that image in your mind’s eye? Jesus bends over the bed and gently takes your aunt, you neighbor, a special teacher, a beloved friend, home to Heaven.

You have, I’m sure, grieved over the pain of people who could not say goodbye. Perhaps, sadly, it has happened in your family. But in today’s Gospel we hear this blessed promise of our loving Savior: at the most important moment of our lives He will be with us, lift us up, and take us to be with Him in His Father’s house.

In these days when so many people are anxious and fearful, when we mourn the loss of loved ones, trust that Jesus was there. And He will be for us, too, whenever our time comes, late or soon. Do not be afraid. He doesn’t just know the way. He IS the Way.

God bless you.

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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