Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt. 2:1-12


“They were overjoyed at seeing the star… (Matt, Ch. 2)”


Today’s readings are all about the manifestation of the Lord to us, His beloved children, and what that means for us. Our Infant King has been pleased to show Himself as the long-awaited Savior and like the magi, we are delighted at what we see. Isaiah predicted this immense joy: “you shall be radiant at what you see.”


It requires a silence of the mind for me to grasp, for even a moment, the loveliness of a divine Child, who meekly accepts the adoration and care of human parents…and of you and me! Let us focus our gaze now on the light of grace that pours out from the face of baby Jesus, when just one of his little children stops to focus on Him, or to give him a little, loving glance. He is Love. Like light, love diffuses itself…amor se diffundit.


The light of Jesus that emanated from his pure presence in the manger always shines brightly on me. In turn, I can always look trustingly back at Him. But I must be careful to not let any distractions in my life divert my attention from His radiant beams. May I then reflect His own light to attract my friends and neighbors to Him.


Jesus’ cave was filled with Love, and with not much else, except with His creatures who knelt down to adore Him. Is my own little “cave” also crowded with Love? Or do I need to get rid of some old straw that isn’t fit for my little King to come and reign there?


Heaven is the beatific vision–seeing God Face to face. A holy life on earth purifies our vision. It removes the blinders from our eyes. God’s grace, his divine life in us, also makes us capable to shine out for others.


The shining star in the East showed the road to Jesus. “Radiant beams from his holy face” shone out from Our Lord so we could be transfixed by his simple, incredible beauty. The same light of grace illuminates each of us as far as we allow it to penetrate our souls.


At Epiphany we can let the light of truth renew us. Wonderfully, 2025 is the new Jubilee Year of Hope, proclaimed by Pope Francis. With all my brothers and sisters in the universal Church, I can begin anew.


The great jubilees, from Old Testament times to this year, emphasize mercy and reconciliation. When I prepare to receive the Sacrament of Penance, I open the path for Jesus’ light to shine brightly on me. He has a wonderful plan for me wherever I live, whether in a little Bethlehem or in a bigger Jerusalem,. In wonder, like the shepherds and the Magi, may I spread His light to all the lives I touch. The mission He has given me exists right now. I have only to be, for others, a candle, a lantern, or a star.


In this New Year, the Jubilee of Hope, may you be a light to all you meet!

“Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come,

the glory of the Lord shines upon you (Isaiah 60)”.

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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