Solemnity of Christ the King 2022


This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. Our minds are full of images of the Queen of England (may she rest in peace), of the new King Charles III, and of Princes and Princesses. Suddenly in the last few years we have seen more, heard more, read more about the Royal Family than we have in years. I suspect you’ve thought more than once, “I’m glad I’m not part of a royal family. There are just no secrets, and no privacy!”


But today we are reminded that we are, after all, part of THE Royal Family. The King we call our own, however, chose a strange throne from which to enact His most important edict: He chose the cross, and His edict was that the evil one no longer has power over us because we have been redeemed by the One who is King, Prince, Victor, Savior and Shepherd, Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Mary. He declares us free and heirs to all that He, our King, possesses.


More than that, we have as our birthright the privilege of knowing we can come to Him without any appointment or ticket because we are sons and daughters of the King. As a matter of fact, at the least invitation He sets up His Kingdom within our hearts. If you are reading this, it’s because He is at home with you and you have already acknowledged Him as your King. His Law is love. No other kingdom can boast of that, and no other subjects have that written on their hearts.  To be a Christian, and especially a Catholic Christian who receives Him intimately in the Holy Eucharist, is to have been marked by the sign of His reign, the Cross which is our salvation.


This week we celebrate Thanksgiving. Thank God our country still recognizes that we owe our very existence to God. Let us celebrate today, and this Thursday, and every day of our lives the gift of having been grafted into the Royal Family of Our Lord Jesus. How precious is our Heritage. How beautiful is His Kingdom here on earth. How good is our God. How firm is our Hope.


Have a blessed Feast and a wonderful Thanksgiving Week. We have so much to be thankful for.


God bless you and all those you love.

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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