Second Sunday of Advent, 2022

Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul


I can’t help thinking that Advent, this Season of Waiting, is a kind of metaphor for life.

Mine and yours. We wait for Christmas when we will celebrate the coming, the Coming,

of God, in Jesus, into the very midst of human existence at its best and at its worst.

We wait for God to come, to Come, into our lives in ways we think are best.

We see Him with our faith but not with our eye.

We hear Him in our soul but not with our ear.

We consume Him with our lips but not with our being.

And so we pray with St. Anselm:


May I seek You in desiring You

and desire You in seeking You.

May I find You in loving You

And love You in finding You.


                        (from the Proslogion of St. Anselm

                                                quoted in Office of Readings

                                                                Friday of the first week of Advent,

                                                                                Liturgy of the Hours)


Have a blessed, eager, second week of Advent.

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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