Reflection on the Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Friends of the Sisters of Charity,

If you are reading this, it’s because you have been a faithful friend of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church for some time now. As we approach Thanksgiving Day, we want to express our profound gratitude to you for your kinship with us. Through your prayers, phone calls, emails, your fidelity in taking the time to read the weekly reflections and/or your interest in our website, you have come to mean a great deal to the Sisters. We hold you close to our hearts in prayer and as we carry out our privilege of serving so many in our ministries.

These are unnerving times. We fear for our children and our grandchildren. We worry about the things we see happening in the Middle East and in Ukraine. We wonder who is addressing the needs of the homeless in the streets of our big cities. The list goes on. Sometimes in prayer I ask Our Lord, How do You do it, Jesus, keeping track of everyone’s prayers, needs and fears? You have a hard task, and I don’t suppose You’ll sleep tonight….

But this week, we entrust those prayers and fears completely to Him as we consider all the profound goodness at hand. At dinner on Thursday, you may be asking each one around your table what they are thankful for. Some of you will be making a list this week of the blessings you’ve received. You might be spending time in adoration in your parish or in the quiet of your room, slowly allowing all His loving interventions in your life parade slowly across your mind. There are so many ways to celebrate Thanksgiving in the midst of our sometimes chaotic lives. How blessed we are to be able to turn to God with hearts overflowing, knowing that He hears our prayer of thanks. We can be comforted by the words of the psalm, draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).

Try to enjoy this week as much as you can, knowing that God walks the corridors of your heart. Rejoice in The Goodness of Ordinary People (have you read Faith Middleton’s book by that name?). Allow yourself the luxury of embracing those you love and enfolding the remembrance of those who are far away but oh, so near to you.

Above all, let us lift our hearts in grateful song to God for His unfailing mercy in our own lives–the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist especially. And please don’t forget that you are carried in the heart of each Sister of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church. We love you, and we thank you for remembering us in your prayers, as we remember you in ours. Thank you, Jesus, for all those who care about us, and to whom we are united by our love for You.


Have a blessed Thanksgiving weekend.

With love,

Mother Marie Julie and the Sisters

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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