Reflection for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Tume

Divine Dialogue of God With the Soul


The last shall be first and the first shall be last (Mt. 20:16).


In the whole scheme of things, the majority of us aren’t particularly fond of being first or last. Somewhere in the middle is generally good enough for us. The last probably gets the left-overs, and the first often ends up with the responsibility for the hardest project. So we try to keep a low profile, we don’t ask a lot of questions, and we quietly do what everyone else is doing. For the most part.


Unless, that is, unless we are following Jesus.


Mediocrity is never the right thing when it comes to being a Christian, especially a Catholic Christian. ‘Just enough’ may get us through, but at the end of the day (and the end of our life), we won’t have much to bring to Jesus. Of course He loves us as we are, but as we are isn’t always His dream for us. Jesus sees us for what we can become, given His grace. In a way, He’s always asking us for more. And sometimes more means less.


If you would be, not just a good person but a holy person, listen to the voice of God within your heart.  Hear the words He spoke to the prophets and to the ragged crowds who followed Him up the mountainside: Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10). Take off your shoes for this is Holy Ground (Ex. 3:5).  Sell what you have and give it to the poor then come, follow Me (Mt. 19:21). Forgive seventy times seven times (Mt.18:22).  Love the Lord your God with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your heart (Deut. 6:4-5).  If someone steals your shirt, give him your coat, too (Mt.5:40). Take the last place (Luke 14:10). And the smallest apple. And the lowest chore in the office. And, yes, give away your good name and your reputation and your chance at that promotion, if it means doing the right thing—all for the love of God.


And you will be exalted, He said in today’s Gospel. He didn’t mean you’ll get the seat right next to the guest speaker, really. That was a metaphor. What He meant is that the God of your desires will bring you to be with Him at the Wedding of the Lamb in eternity and at the never-ending Banquet of His Love. And meanwhile, you will have the peace of knowing that you are fulfilling His dream for you.

There’s nothing mediocre about that. It’s all Glory.

And it is my prayer for you and all those you love.

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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