Reflection for the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Matt 13: 24-43


In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus speaks again about seeds. Today’s parable is different, though. He tells us that even when the farmer sows good seed in good ground, it’s still possible that treacherous weeds may be found in the soil and can threaten the harvest the farmer had planned for. It seems that Jesus is talking about our times.


These days it can be hard to raise children when there are so many ‘enemies’ out there, so many negative forces that can influence our children. We see it as teachers. Certainly parents and grandparents see it. Sometimes even when parents have so lovingly tended the minds and hearts of their children in order that their souls can remain pure, alas, they either suddenly or gradually discover that their children begin to rebel or challenge what has carefully been planted in their souls. Parents wonder, Where did we go wrong? That’s what the farmer and the hired hands wondered in the Gospel. How did the weeds get there? How did things turn out so badly in the fields? In our children? Who did this to them? What should we have done differently in bringing them up? And what should we do now?


In this Gospel Jesus says that an enemy sows the weeds when no one is looking. Outside forces do this, in spite of the care spent in sowing the seed of goodness. We know for sure that this happens. What are those forces that seem to have more influence on our children than loving parents and grandparents? You know as well as I do, perhaps even better: social media, tech devices (cell phones, tablets, etc), films in theaters, inappropriate ‘music,’ influences at the malls, conversations ‘out there’ about gender ideology, even some school curricula can all have an influence on our young people without our realizing it, and certainly without our children realizing it. So don’t blame yourself when you see things in your young people that frighten you. Trust in the Master of the Harvest that in time, in God’s good time, He will see that the seeds you have sown will bear good fruit, good character, although it may not be as soon as you would like.


And, as the second reading today tells us (Romans 8: 25-27), ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray. He knows what you want for your children and for the children of our country, even when you feel uncertain about what to ask for. Turn to Him who dwells within you and entrust your aching hearts to Him. He will bring to the Father your confusion, your doubts, your sense of inadequacy, your profound love for your children (including your adult children), and will ask for what is dearest to your heart.


My prayer for all parents this weekend is that you will trust your instincts, and that you will trust the Holy Spirit to assist you in praying for the young people you love. May God give you strength and wisdom.


“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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