Reflection for the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

September 8, 2024

Do you hear what I hear?

Be strong; fear not!


The gift of summer days oceanside or poolside is much more enjoyable and safe because of our sense of hearing.  The rhythmic rush of the surf or the warning cry of the lifeguard enrich the whole experience.  Two of the readings that we explore this Sunday explicitly mention hearing; so, I invite you to look more deeply into them with me.

“Thus says the Lord, ‘Say to those whose hearts are frightened:  Be strong, fear not!” (Isaiah 35:4).  Whose hearts are not frightened at times, from happenings that they hear described or predicted, both inside and outside of their family circle? At times problems loom much too big for me, and I imagine, for you, too.

However, with our good God, there is no problem that we cannot bring to Him.  He can solve them all, one by one or in a “package deal”. Like we heard last week, Isaiah reminds us of the closeness of God – so easy to forget in the busyness of our lives – “Here is your God, he comes….” Then he foretells overflowing blessings, in lovely images of flowing water.  God opens channels, currents, rivers in our lives that were otherwise blocked.  Ours is a God of power and possibilities.  He even cleared the ears of the deaf!

Hearing-impaired people can appreciate that example of healing, and even more, the deeper meaning, that the Holy Spirit will help me to understand his messages to me.  These are His streams of grace that will refresh me and lift me.  His promises are fulfilled; he is majestic, ever-present, glorious, tender, all-powerful, all Love.  This is something to take to meditation.   I hope to do that, too.

How appropriate that today we celebrate Mary’s birthday, she who was the best listener to God’s word.  When Mary, with the most open and trusting heart ever created, heard the word that would change her history and the world’s, she was “troubled.”  Mary had to be reassured, as I do when I think I hear what the Lord is asking of me. Do I need to stay out of those troubled waters?  Or wade into deeper ones and immerse myself?  How do I hear Him without fear?  I do have to bring Mary into my conversations with God.  She believed the incredible news that God wanted her to be his own mother!

Mark’s Gospel (Ch. 7) tells of the deaf mute brought to Jesus by his friends, so that, off by himself, alone with Jesus, his ears could be opened.  He spread the good news of his healing around, enthusiastically!  I imagine him running and shouting.  You and I have the amazing power of speech, to pour out our heart and soul to others.  Now we can think, in turn – of whom we can bring to Jesus, so that the truth and beauty of our Divine Savior can be poured out on them.

 There must be someone.

Be strong; fear not.

Love by its nature has to be shared.

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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