October 4, 2020

The Divine Dialogue of God with the Soul
Weekly Reflection by Mother Marie Julie, SCMC
 My Dear Good People,
Most of you know that we have recently renovated our main chapel. It was a long process, and an expensive one, but the generosity and kindness of so many of you have made it possible for us to enjoy the beauty of this ‘new’ chapel without the worry of any debt at all. Not a penny. For that, I want to thank you once again with all my heart.
Today we offered Holy Mass for all our benefactors, and it will available for you on our website, www.sistersofcharity.com, on Saturday, October 10. I was thinking today of what it was like when we had to move the Blessed Sacrament to another location during the renovations, and set up a make-shift chapel in another part of the house. We used a room in the novitiate (the part of the house where our young women in formation live). Often when I entered that small ‘chapel’ during those six weeks I was struck by how vulnerable Our Eucharistic Lord really is. When the community decided to relocate to the Novitiate, we simply moved Jesus into His new quarters. We didn’t consult Him or ask His permission. We simply decided to bring Him downstairs in a quiet procession to another place where Mass could be offered and we could come to be with Him in adoration, and He just acquiesced and came. No complaints, no questions asked, no negotiation. He permitted Mother and the Sisters to do whatever we wanted and needed to do with Him. How completely humble of Him.
Isn’t that what happens each time we receive Him in Holy Communion? A Priest once asked his Congregation, What do you do with Jesus when I give Him to you in Holy Communion? It’s a question I ask myself from time to time. Jesus in the Holy Eucharist wants to be for us whatever we need Him to be. Who could ask for more? Today, let us try to be more acutely aware of the treasure we hold in the earthen vessel of our hearts. As we take Him from place to place with us during our busy day, let us recall often that He is at our mercy. Let our prayer be, Jesus, remain with me today and never think of leaving me. Then we will live our day with the same humility that allows Him to be Everything for us.
May your day be filled with the perfect peace of knowing that you are safe in His keeping and He is safe in yours.
I send you my love and the love of all my Sisters.
In the Eucharist Heart of our Jesus,
Mother Marie Julie
and the Sisters of Charity
“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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