Meditation for the Third Sunday of Advent, 2022

What Kind of House Can You Build for Me?

(Isaiah 66:1)



Today, let’s have a few moments of Advent meditative prayer on the moment of the Annunciation. Think about this:


Carefully, prayerfully read the opening verse of Isaiah 66 given above. Imagine what Mary hears in Gabriel’s word to her when he asks her to be the mother of the Savior.


What do you hear Mary saying as the angel asks her to give God her Heart to be the home of her Son?


After Gabriel returned to heaven, leaving her with the Son of God incarnate within her, what would her prayer have been like?


How do you think she felt about becoming the Home of the Word?


Imagine Mary’s inner silence as she ponders the Treasure within her.


Ponder Mary and Joseph talking quietly about what this means for her, for him, for the world. Don’t be afraid to sit beside them and listen. They welcome you into their home, since you have become part of their family through your love for Jesus.


Do you think Joseph came to find the Presence of God within himself through his holy conversations with Mary?


If you are a woman, imagine a conversation between you and Mary, just the two of you.

If you are a man, imagine that conversation with Joseph, just the two of you.


What would Mary (or Joseph) say to you personally?

What do you want to say to Mary (or Joseph)?

Sit quietly and wait, pondering what this question means for you:

“What kind of house will you build for Me?”


Take your time with this part of the meditation.


Now hear your Jesus asking you this question:


          What kind of home will you build for Me?

Why would He ask you this?  What is He seeking from you?

Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit as you answer Jesus.

What ‘materials’ might you use for this house?

What would make it a home, rather than simply a house, for Jesus, within you?


Ask Jesus or Mary or Joseph to help you finish your prayer

as you make a generous response to the question,

What kind of home will you build for Me?



“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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