Holy Spirit Novena Day 2

Ephesians 1:14 tells us that ‘the Holy Spirit is the Guardian of our inheritance.’

Each of us has been given a priceless inheritance through our baptism. Whether we sought this baptism ourselves when we came to know the outstanding worth of Jesus Christ, or our parents and godparents brought us to the holy font when we were infants, the grace of faith in Jesus Christ is our most precious inheritance. It can never be taken away from us by anything outside ourselves. It is, however, a fragile gift that can be lost by lack of care or nurture. To lose faith in our Divine Lord because we have failed to treasure it rightly is to lose our birthright, since from all eternity God has desired to possess our hearts.  The Grace of the Holy Spirit alone, however, cannot bring our baptismal inheritance to fruit without our cooperation. We are called to protect our faith and nurture it especially through prayer and good works. The Holy  Spirit’s life in us makes that possible.

As we move more fully into this novena for  Pentecost when we await a fuller outpouring of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we implore Him to  be our constant Companion.

Mary, our Mother, who through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit became the Mother of Jesus, assist us to know that same Spirit and allow Him a greater influence in our lives. Lead us to hear His voice when He moves us to greater holiness. Teach us to embrace Him when He draws us closer to Jesus and to our Father. Shelter us, dear Mother,  from the danger of taking our baptism for granted, and show us the Holy Spirit’s power at work within us. Amen.
“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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