Holy Saturday

 A Lenten Renewal:
Reflections on the Mass readings in light of our daily lives
By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC

Today the world is in mourning as for an only son (Zechariah 12:10).


This moving antiphon at Morning Prayer for Holy Saturday, quoted from Zechariah, is one we carry with us in our hearts for most of the day today.



No matter the sky, we are dark within

emptied-out lonely


how do daffodils still burst

gold against green or

blue songbirds sing from the bough

on this no-day without sunrise—


only sunsetting the whole long

day against gray hills


chill of the tomb is ice at the bone


before today we slipped in

ahead of stone rolled across

while lifeless body lies

still as any house at dawn after dying


the slain Son quiet

as a swan at midnight on

the lonely pond


we kneel we weep we

catch our breath

choke on our prayers


for having brought our God

to this  to this  O to this


but see, no breath of accusation

now or ever comes

that we may know these kiss these wounds

these jewels mined by love beyond

what sense can grasp and so we bury


our own crushing wounds in His

now sweetened by such grace

that there is only healing

for our own by Him—


now turning to returning to

the life we never knew to live

we meet the Mother

arms outstretched to wash away

the need to mourn our debt

now paid by Love’s redeeming gift.



“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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