Graces and Gratitude in the Presence of the King: Part 6

Words fail to describe the depth of my experience at the Eucharistic Congress. With all that happened, each moment was an encounter with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. The word that most often came to me throughout the days at the Congress was “crucifixion”. Whenever we are at Mass, we gaze upon Jesus who was crucified out of deep love for us. As one priest said in his homily, God is the Divine Madman. He is so madly in love with His sinful creatures—it does not even make sense. This passionate love of Jesus calls us to love Him and to allow His love to overcome us. The consummation of the call to this Divine Love seems to happen only when we allow ourselves to be crucified with Jesus on the Cross. God was willing to die out of love for His sinful creatures to restore us to life. His very own Divine life comes most fully to us when we are willing to die out of love for Him. We can love Him and let Him love us with such intimacy by receiving Jesus’ very own Body and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. Through this deep union with Jesus in Holy Communion, all our sufferings, joys, hopes, sorrows, fears, are united to Him who knows our hearts and desires.


During the Sacrifice of the Mass and adoration at the Eucharistic Congress, the Blessed Virgin Mary took me under her mantle and helped me in a deeper way to gaze at the crucified Jesus with tenderness and love. She is the one who will show each one of us how to quench Jesus’ thirst on the Cross, how to console His suffering Heart. The paradox is that our Lord thirsts on the Cross, and He thirsts not for a drink but that we might drink of His Blood. He hungers not for food, but that we might eat of His Body. His thirst is quenched when we drink of Him. May our Blessed Mother give us her very own Immaculate Heart so that we might love the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, the Divine Madman, who is so madly in love with His sinful creatures. May Mary, Mother of the Church, grant the grace to the whole Mystical Body of Christ to love Jesus who is truly present—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity—in the Most Holy Eucharist. Amen.

Written By:  A Sister of Charity (SCMC)


“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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