Graces and Gratitude in the Presence of the King: Part 2

Approaching the time of the Eucharistic Congress I was anxious and in a sense fearful because of the vacuum I was experiencing in my life, in my spiritual journey, and my relationship with God.  I was devoid of feeling but always aware of the need to perform my religious duties, to be present and active in community prayer.  I knew I had to go to the Congress and look for Christ, to let myself be found by Him.

When the time came, I tried to participate in as much as possible knowing that I should serve the other pilgrims while there.  I prayed for a stronger faith and closeness to God.  Through it all, I recalled the passage from revelation where it is revealed to the church at Ephesus how well they are doing doctrinally but they had lost their first love.  I knew that was me.  

Finally, meditating late at night on one of the day’s talks I melted and begged for help.  It was then that all the words of the talks from the revival started to hit me.  I will have no revival without repentance, penance and acceptance of the full Passion of Christ.  Acceptance in the sense that at the moment of the doxology of the Mass, I let my sins, failings, and fears be pulled up on the cross and offered to the Father.  This moment at Mass does not end.  Christ’s Sacrifice continues in every Mass at every moment throughout the world and I can be part of this if I let Him take me as I am and with His arms outstretched on the Cross hold me up to the Father.  How great is Our God.

Written by: A Sister of Charity (SCMC)

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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