Divine Mercy Sunday, 2024

My Dear Good People,

On this Octave Day of Easter we celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy. It comes from a revelation received by a Polish nun in 1931 in which Jesus appeared to her and spoke of His Heart as an ‘Abyss of Mercy” for all who come to Him in their need. He asked that a painting be made depicting Him as He appeared to her, and now we see that image frequently—on prayer cards, in churches and more recently in homes.

The great Message of Mercy comes from the Heart of Jesus who knows how much we need Him, and wants us to find that need fulfilled in Him no matter how unworthy we might feel. Nothing we could ever do can prevent Jesus from loving us, so He reaches out to us, inviting us to trust in Him.

But Divine Mercy is more than forgiveness of our sins. Jesus wants us to come whenever we need His help: when we are afraid or uncertain, in frustration, in illness or when we are unable to meet our responsibilities. But He’s not like a rich uncle or a powerful congressman. Rather, He is the Father who says, “Come. Tell me all about it. I will understand. I will bring you peace.” We don’t have to deserve His mercy. It comes without conditions, just because He loves us.

If ever we needed Divine Mercy, this would be the moment.

He is our Refuge.

Jesus, I trust in You.

“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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