2nd Sunday of Advent – December 6, 2020

Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent, December 6, 2020
My Dear Good People,
This weekend in our churches we light the second of four candles in the Advent Wreath. Perhaps you have a wreath of your own in your home with a candle, or two or three or four, depending on the week, lit each day during this precious season of waiting with Mary for the rebirth of Jesus In our hearts. It may seem a childish practice, but if you have one you know that it’s a beautiful reminder of the reason the Church celebrates this season so quietly, so fervently.
For us Catholics, we walk these weeks gently, with beautiful readings from the prophets at Mass each day. We are reminded of the perfect trust Mary placed in God’s plan for her and for the world, even though she barely understood it at first.
You can ask Mary to arrange a wreath in your heart this advent. The Holy Spirit, at your invitation, will light each candle for you. Sit quietly for a few minutes each morning or evening, resting your anxious spirit in its healing glow. When you are tempted to put aside the longing within you for the coming of our Infant God Who seeks a place in your life, gaze for a moment into your own soul and find there the promise of Hope. Allow the candle light to lead you ‘along right paths’ if you find yourself getting caught up in the siren call of advertising and marketing hype as the shopping days are counted down. Above all, in the center of this spiritual wreath you carry deep within you, keep an image of the beautiful young mother journeying with Joseph to the place where she will present her beloved treasure to the waiting world — to you–to become the One you have waited for all your life, Jesus, Son of God, Light in the darkness, lover of your soul.
May His love dawn upon you In radiant beauty, and lie down with you at dusk to revive your weary spirit. Make of this Advent a journey like no other. He comes a great distance to be with you. ‘Open wide the gate and let Him enter, the King of Glory’ (Psalm 24: 7-9).
Prayerfully, in Advent hope,
Mother Marie Julie
and the Sisters of Charity
of Our Lady, Mother of the Church.
“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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