Ash Wednesday

Greetings in the Lord! Traditionally Lent is a season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to prepare and open us to receive the wonderful graces that the Paschal Mystery of Easter brings. As we practice these holy Lenten activities, the Church provides a lively liturgy that is meant to foster and guide our Lenten practices, especially our prayer throughout the forty days of preparation.
The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church will be offering their reflections to you each Sunday during Lent on the readings that the Church selected for Lent 2019. It is our collective effort and way of offering our thanks to you, our friends and benefactors, for the goodness that you share with us. It is my hope that our insights offered as members of Christ’s Body be meant as an encouragement for your prayer during these special days of grace. May our Loving God lead us all closer to the Lord Jesus during this Holy Season of Lenten Renewal.
Gratefully yours in Mary, Mother of Our Church,
Mother Marie Julie, SCMC, Superior General
“With Mary, our lives continually proclaim the greatness of the Lord and the joy experienced in rendering service to Him.”

Holy Rule

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